> Except for the initial line(?), the commit message is for tor the Subject line (-:.

I didn’t get you

Please write the actual copyright holder (likely the relevant members of this team or perhaps their employer, depending on how things are set up) -- AFAIK, "PantherX OS Team" is a not some legal entity that can hold copyright.


I don't think this module should unconditionally import that, to help with keeping "guix ... package" fast when the kde-frameworks isn't actually used.

I didn’t get that, too

Could you add some information, more specifically something to distinguish nm-applet from nm-applet?  Currently, it doesn't give any information that helps the user with choosing between nm-tray nad nm-applet.


Why? AFAICT, there are no git submodules.


 Can you test that icons are displayed properly in a pure environment ("guix shell --pure nm-tray -- …»)?

They are not. I don’t know how to get them to work.


It looks like it’s not yet implemented in the app. Instead, I have removed modem manager from inputs.