Hello! Would you be so kind to say what can I do right way with this window that is displaying every time I run openshot: /gnu/store/0hhc72a1b6na6lzdcfczfwrwdk4g107q-openshot-2.4.4/lib/python3.7/site-packages/openshot_qt/effects/icons/colorshift.png is not a valid image file. $ ls /gnu/store/0hhc72a1b6na6lzdcfczfwrwdk4g107q-openshot-2.4.4/lib/python3.7/site-packages/openshot_qt/effects/icons/ bars.png chromakey.png deinterlace.png negate.png shift.png blur.png 'color shift.png' hue.png pixelate.png wave.png brightness.png crop.png mask.png saturation.png $ guix describe Generation 3 Mar 31 2020 15:03:46 (current) guix 008b1ae repository URL: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git branch: master commit: 008b1aecf763d6ae508f58414157d2a528799e6f $ guix package -I | awk '{print $1 " - " $2}' torsocks - 2.3.0 font-cns11643 - 98.1.20180605 font-wqy-microhei - 0.2.0-beta unzip - 6.0 netcat - 0.7.1 make - 4.2.1 zip - 3.0 gnome-icon-theme - 3.12.0 htop - 2.2.0 ncdu - 1.14.2 glibc-utf8-locales - 2.29 tor - openssl - 1.1.1c font-adobe-source-han-sans - 1.004 wmctrl - 1.07 font-gnu-freefont-ttf - 20120503 openssh - 8.2p1 hunspell - 1.7.0 hunspell-dict-en - 2018.04.16 aspell - aspell-dict-ru - 0.99f7-1 lm-sensors - 3.6.0 icecat - 68.6.0-guix0-preview1 gimp - 2.10.18 libreoffice - openshot - 2.4.4 gedit - 3.32.2 geany - 1.36 leafpad - emacs - 26.3 audacity - 2.3.3 mpv - 0.32.0 youtube-dl - 2020.03.24 vlc - 3.0.8 mplayer - 1.4 ffmpeg - 4.2.2 ungoogled-chromium - 80.0.3987.149-0.516e2d9 evince - 3.34.2 fbreader - 0.99.6 filezilla - 3.42.1 pavucontrol - 3.0 file-roller - 3.32.3 curl - 7.65.3 pcmanfm - 1.3.1 gpicview - 0.2.5 python - 3.7.4 imagemagick - 6.9.10-95 blender - 2.82a