Hi, thanks for help > Then you're all set. It should be working now 😄 > > Try closing the terminal and opening it again. Are the commands from > your profiles (e.g. `libreoffice`) available immediately, without the > need to run any manual `guix` commands? They should be No, I put libreoffice in a separate profile, so in the terminal it is not found: gfp@Tuxedo ~$ libreoffice -bash: libreoffice: Kommando nicht gefunden. gfp@Tuxedo ~$ frescobaldi -bash: frescobaldi: Kommando nicht gefunden. gfp@Tuxedo ~$ lilypond -bash: lilypond: Kommando nicht gefunden. Also other packages from different profiles are not found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- But I have a symbol of libreoffice on my desktop and if I klick on it, it will open libreoffice (an older version). The symbol didn’t disappear after uninstalling libreoffice from my default profile. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ So may be I didn’t understand everything yet, what I have to do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have to open each profile with guix shell -p ~/Projekte/e.g.: Icecat/guix-profil Kind regards Gottfried