Hello, Wanted to work on Guix's website but fate led me to try my way on a lightdm service... So, here is what I got for now. It fails to start a window manager but I don't think I'll be able to debug the last mile with my sole knowledge. Beside that, here is a list of possible improvements before merging: * lightdm-greeter-gtk configuration is a part of lightdm's service. It might be a good idea to give it its own service but it would mean we need to write a service for each lightdm greeter. * lightdm complains about the lack of org.freedesktop.DisplayManager.AccountsService interface. The lightdm package provides the relevent files but it seems accountsservice doesn't find them. I think it searches them in $XDG_DATA_DIRS/accountservices . See https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/45059 * lightdm-gtk-greeter's wrapper is handmade and ugly. * General refining. A thorough review would also be welcome as I'm not really sure I know what I'm doing. Thanks! L p R n d n