Hello, znavko@disroot.org writes: > Hello, users! Can you recommend something to make Icecat autostart videos (that are really autoplayable and start when I use another browser). > I cannot remember what I did, but I had this on my laptop. Now I've installed Guix on PC and do not have autoplay videos in Icecat. > ddg.gg did not answer me. > Please, how autoplay videos in Icecat? This would probably be more appropriate for the help-gnuzilla list, but anyway, try this: open about:preferences#privacy, scroll down to the Permissions section, and uncheck the "Block websites from automatically playing sound" option to allow automatic playback on all sites, or leave it checked but instead click the "Exceptions..." button in front of it, and fine-tune which websites you would like to allow or block from automatically playing sound. Hope this helps.