Hi Maxime, thanks for the review. I attached 2 patches. 0001-Add-emacs-sqlite3-api-package.patch In this one I addressed your following comments: - I changed the synopsis and the description - Removed the make flags - I'm using cc-for-target now - Enabled tests The tests are passing, and I tested it manually by evaluating the Emacs Lisp code snippets in [1]. Everything seems to work fine. 0001-Add-emacs-sqlite3-api-package-generate-constants.patch In this patch I did the same as above, and I generated the consts.c file by running make in the "tools" directory. The tests are passing fine, but when I manually test it by evaluating the Elisp snippets in [1] I get an error that the sqlite-open-readwrite and sqlite-open-create are not defined in Emacs. The .so file is loaded by Emacs but somehow it does not work. I looked at the diff between the consts.c committed in the repository and the generated one, but I could not see any changes related to those functions. I'm still a bit lost about this and could need some help. But I also wonder if generating the consts.c file is actually better than just using the checked in consts.c file. The command to generate the file fetches a web page from the Sqlite website and builds the consts.c file with this information. And I think this is kind of a brittle approach. How would this approach would even work with Software heritage? I think my preference would be to go without generating the consts.c file, the patch works, it uses the same file the maintainer of the packages is using, and I believe it is less brittle. :) What do you think? [1] https://github.com/pekingduck/emacs-sqlite3-api#introduction