Hi guix ! I'm trying to config a mcron service type for mbsync, something simple, but there are few example on the web for the new home-mcron-service-type. I try something like this : (use-modules (gnu packages mail) (gnu packages tls) (gnu home services mcron)) (define update-mail-service #~(job '(next-minute '(range 0 60 5)) (lambda () (execl (string-append #$isync "/bin/mbsync") "mbync" "-a")) "fetch mail")) (define-public %mail-module (home-module (list mu isync imapfilter msmtp gnutls) (list (simple-service 'isync-mail-config-service home-files-service-type `( (".mbsyncrc" ,(local-file "../config/mail/mbsyncrc")) (".msmtprc",(local-file "../config/mail/msmtprc")) (".imapfilter/config.lua",(local-file "../config/mail/config.lua")))) (simple-service `mcron-mail-update-service home-mcron-service-type (list update-mail-service)) ))) but when i run reconfigure, i have an error in drv compilation : Backtrace: 7 (primitive-load "/gnu/store/dpaczpr4j05437bk4dr1snqnfjx9ipfl-mcron-1.2.1/bin/mcron") In mcron/scripts/mcron.scm: 103:6 6 (main) In ice-9/boot-9.scm: 260:13 5 (for-each # _) In unknown file: 4 (eval-string "update-mail-service" #) In ice-9/boot-9.scm: 2835:4 3 (save-module-excursion #) In ice-9/eval-string.scm: 38:6 2 (read-and-eval # #:lang _) In ice-9/eval.scm: 223:20 1 (proc #) In unknown file: 0 (%resolve-variable (7 . update-mail-service) #) ERROR: In procedure %resolve-variable: Unbound variable: update-mail-service Backtrace: 2 (primitive-load "/gnu/store/b3k8pm2gabw29rmb86r5j4j4jzz7847d-mcron-job-builder") In ice-9/eval.scm: 619:8 1 (_ #f) In guix/build/utils.scm: 762:6 0 (invoke "/gnu/store/dpaczpr4j05437bk4dr1snqnfjx9ipfl-mcron-1.2.1/bin/mcron" "--schedule=20" "prologue" "job") guix/build/utils.scm:762:6: In procedure invoke: ERROR: 1. &invoke-error: program: "/gnu/store/dpaczpr4j05437bk4dr1snqnfjx9ipfl-mcron-1.2.1/bin/mcron" arguments: ("--schedule=20" "prologue" "job") exit-status: 1 term-signal: #f stop-signal: #f Any help appreciated :) ! Best regards,