Matt, [If you sent two mails because your first didn't immediately arrive: it was probably held for moderation since you appear to be new here. Welcome!] Matt Huszagh wrote: > I'm encountering the error "rmdir: Device or resource busy" when > I > attempt to perform guix system init on a mount point that has > btrfs > subvolumes. So something's (preventatively?) deleting a directory that has something mounted over or in it, or is a subdirectory itself (although that seems unlikely in this layout). I had a dig around, didn't find any likely culprits, but this could be happening anywhere. Does ‘guix system init’ print anything else? Don't waste *too* much time debugging your error message, though. Guix System doesn't have any code to handle fancy subvolume swappery like this. I'm afraid you'll have to drop the @-scheme entirely. > mount -o subvol=@guixsd,$o_btrfs LABEL=btrfs /mnt > mount -o subvol=@gnu,$o_btrfs LABEL=btrfs /mnt/gnu The two above are especially problematic: Guix's GRUB looks only for /gnu/store/…-linux/, which is now two indirections away. Guix System *probably* supports⁰ ‘in-place’ subvolumes like btrfs subvol create /gnu/store only because it doesn't need to support them: they're just directories. > mount -o subvol=@grub,$o_btrfs LABEL=btrfs /mnt/boot/grub Does GRUB support magically finding itself elsewhere like this? Does this work on other distributions? If so, do you know how? … You're damn right that this needs to be improved. Hands welcome :-) Kind regards, T G-R [0]: At least I think I did so once but never made use of its subvolliness, so I stopped doing so.