Hello, everyone: Is there a way (without screwing anything up) to skip tests during a build? I understand that this is generally unwise---I don't want to debate those merits. My immediate problem is that I'm on a dinky little ARM C201 Chromebook and any sort of building is quite time-consuming, and often prohibitively so: I can deal with the compilation times, but the tests are simply too much; I don't have time to wait potentially hours for software to build if they aren't available from hydra. GnuTLS is one particularly intense dependency test-wise, for example. And then if a test fails for whatever reason, I'm completely out of luck. I'd rather install and then run tests later at my leisure, accepting the risks. But I don't know if any test output is taken into account in any Guix hashes. There are a few situations where I've had no choice but to fall back to installing the respective Debian package(s). But I've been very impressed with how many ARM packages _are_ available from hydra---many more than I had expected! Anyway: any suggestions? :/ -- Mike Gerwitz Free Software Hacker+Activist | GNU Maintainer & Volunteer GPG: D6E9 B930 028A 6C38 F43B 2388 FEF6 3574 5E6F 6D05 Old: 2217 5B02 E626 BC98 D7C0 C2E5 F22B B815 8EE3 0EAB https://mikegerwitz.com