Divan Santana writes: > Divan Santana writes: >> Is there a simple way of getting these gems installed to use guix system >> libs so things don't break? > > So for this particular project I managed to get it working via changing > the Gemfile to up the version on nokogiri to 1.8 so I can use the > nokogiri from guix. Did the same with ffi which had similar issue. > > That's not ideal as one may need a diff version or the gem may not be > packaged yet. > > Any thoughts? I've been putting up with using bundler and rubygems for a little while now, although I'd still like to switch to only using Guix packages one day. My current workflow when I use Bundler/Rubygems is to using Guix to provide the right version of Ruby, and then Direnv to setup the environment. This would be a .envrc file that would work for nokogiri. use guix --ad-hoc ruby@2.3 gcc-toolchain pkg-config libxml2 libxslt layout ruby To use this, you'd need to create a file called .envrc with the above 2 lines, and then run direnv allow to allow it to be loaded. After it loads, assuming you're using bundler, you should run gem install bundler. This works better than using the Guix package for bundler, as that uses a specific Ruby version, which might not be the one you've specified in the environment. After bundler is installed, run bundle install. When things break, which they will, I just rm -rf .direnv, and start again. So, in summary. # create the .envrc file direnv allow gem install bundler bundle