Hello Guix, Below I've attached a draft patch to update vlc to 3.0.1, and also to add several more inputs based on reading the output of the 'configure' script. It builds successfully and mostly works except for one problem: the icons are missing from the control buttons on the main window of the Qt interface. The icons in question are .svg files in the source tarball, but are converted into data structures within C++ source code using 'rcc'. strace reveals that vlc is performing 'stat' system calls on bogus file names beginning with ":/", e.g. ":/toolbar/play_b.svg". These correspond to the missing icons. According to , these names that begin with ":/" are meant to be references to resources that were imported using 'rcc'. I can't afford to spend more time on this right now. I don't use vlc myself, but for security reasons I think it's important to keep our media players up-to-date, especially media players like vlc that bundle their own codecs. I expect that vlc is quite popular, which makes it all the more important. I'm hoping that someone with more knowledge of Qt will step up to debug this problem. Any volunteers? Note, this patch is based on core-updates, but hopefully it would work on 'master' too. Mark