Hola, > However, the hack doesn’t work for things like the ‘packages’ field of > because it’s not a thunked field. I see! Thanks for explaining. > > Two simple solutions here, I think: > > 1. Make ‘packages’ a thunked field. > > 2. Stop using ‘canonical-package’ altogether in ‘%base-packages’. > > I actually have a preference for #2. We’d need to check what impact it > has on the system closure size, but I suspect it’s going to be minimal. > > Thoughts? Option #2 seems nicer. There are other canonical-package calls when building services. I have a patch attached that removes all those calls. The image produced when running "guix system disk-image bare-bones.tmpl" increases by: * 30MB when removing the canonical-package of %base-packages * 30MB for all other calls. So altogether, that's a 60MB increase on a 1.5GB image (4%). I find it acceptable, WDYT? Thanks, Mathieu