I have setup my Emacs iwth EXWM. I am trying to remap several keys to avoid repetitive strain injury (RSI), also known as Emacs pinky. To accomplish that, I am using xmodmap. It works perfectly when I invoke the command directly. However it doesn't work when I put it in Emacs startup files. After several days of research, I discovered that xmodmap only works when I have pressed atleast one key in my keyboard. Any solutions? -- Akib Azmain Turja This message is signed by me with my GnuPG key. It's fingerprint is: 7001 8CE5 819F 17A3 BBA6 66AF E74F 0EFA 922A E7F5 See https://emailselfdefense.fsf.org/ to learn more and protect your emails and yourself from surveillance.