Hello! Our current version of librsvg is officially unmaintained, and the latest version requires Rust. I've succeeded in making the latest version build, but there are a couple of problems. * Module dependency cycle: . * librsvg requires Cairo 1.15, which is not a "stable" release branch. * It bundles 59 Rust libraries. Here are the Rust libs: aho-corasick/ bitflags/ bitflags-0.9.1/ cairo-rs/ cairo-sys-rs/ cssparser/ cssparser-macros/ c_vec/ downcast-rs/ dtoa/ dtoa-short/ either/ float-cmp/ fuchsia-zircon/ fuchsia-zircon-sys/ glib/ glib-sys/ gobject-sys/ itertools/ itoa/ lazy_static/ libc/ matches/ memchr/ num-traits/ pango/ pangocairo/ pangocairo-sys/ pango-sys/ phf/ phf_codegen/ phf_generator/ phf_shared/ pkg-config/ procedural-masquerade/ proc-macro2/ quote/ quote-0.3.15/ rand/ rand-0.3.22/ regex/ regex-syntax/ siphasher/ smallvec/ syn/ syn-0.11.11/ synom/ thread_local/ ucd-util/ unicode-xid/ unicode-xid-0.0.4/ unreachable/ utf8-ranges/ void/ winapi/ winapi-0.2.8/ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu/ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu/ Have anyone packaged any of these? Or made a Rust importer? Here is a package definition for librsvg (use with guix package -f).