Hi Danny, Danny Milosavljevic skribis: > the GuixSD /tmp cleaner fails to clean when Umlauts like "ä" are used in filenames. It will just leave them there. > > For example I have an immortal file "/tmp/!x!home!dannym!scratchpost.org!www!mirror!science!physics!03._Relativitätstheorie!.webseealso~". The problem is that the “activation scripts” run in the C locale and thus Guile interprets file names in this locale encoding (i.e., ASCII), which fails. I believe the attached patch mostly fixes the problem. Could you try and report back? I say “mostly” because if /tmp contains a file in an encoding other than that of the system locale, we still have a problem. Once we’ve switched to Guile 2.2, we should probably force use of an ISO-8859-1 locale to avoid file name decoding altogether. Thanks, Ludo’.