Alex Kost writes: > and I would make it more robust: there is a > problem with this code: (string-drop "geiser" 6) does not return what > you mean Yes, because "geiser" differs from most of Emacs packages: ls /gnu/store/7rl2k8ismmyq9ic6ha6vzv38a3hrrni2-emacs-dash-2.13.0/share/emacs/site-lisp/guix.d/dash-2.13.0/ dash-autoloads.el dash.el dash.elc dash-functional.el dash-functional.elc ls /gnu/store/7lh77fmapmjjv3kj2q69dy58kjniw9am-geiser-0.9/share/emacs/site-lisp/ geiser-autodoc.el geiser-chibi.elc … Maybe we just need to fix "geiser"? > , and (string-drop "dash" 6) errors! Do you really mean emacs-dash or dash? For me both succeeded. As I see emacs-dash is OK, except "emacs-minimal" in EMACSLOADPATH. Here is a log-file with DEBUG-INPUTS: