Hello Ludovic, Thank you for refactoring notes! ludo@gnu.org (Ludovic Courtès) writes: > I think it would have been better to open a separate issue for this. > Here are some superficial comments. I hope someone more knowledgeable > about Emacs can comment. OK, I CC bug-guix@gnu.org in this message. Previos discussion: https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=28832#17 > Oleg Pykhalov skribis: [...] > Please see ‘C-x v l’ in that file for the syntax of commit logs. :-) Oh, nice tip. Thanks! [...] > Did you try rebuilding Emacs packages, and to simplify those that > explicitly pass -L flags? I tried it on emacs-json-reformat which wants many -L flags and succeeded build a manifest with following packages and patch: emacs-aggressive-indent emacs-company emacs-company-quickhelp emacs-debbugs emacs-elfeed emacs-erc-hl-nicks emacs-default-encrypt emacs-god-mode emacs-ggtags emacs-git-gutter emacs-gitpatch emacs-guix emacs-helm emacs-helm-make emacs-helm-projectile emacs-highlight-stages emacs-ivy emacs-markdown-mode emacs-multiple-cursors emacs-nix-mode emacs-org emacs-projectile emacs-rainbow-delimiters emacs-rainbow-mode emacs-slime emacs-smartparens emacs-transmission emacs-transpose-frame emacs-use-package emacs-w3m emacs-which-key emacs-yasnippet emacs-yasnippet-snippets flycheck geiser magit