Hello, A build of mumps-openmpi with mpich fails: guix time-machine -- build mumps-openmpi --with-input=openmpi=mpich [...] mpirun -n 3 ./test_scotch_dgraph_check data/bump.grf Invalid error code (-2) (error ring index 127 invalid) INTERNAL ERROR: invalid error code fffffffe (Ring Index out of range) in MPID_nem_tcp_init:373 Invalid error code (-2) (error ring index 127 invalid) INTERNAL ERROR: invalid error code fffffffe (Ring Index out of range) in MPID_nem_tcp_init:373 Invalid error code (-2) (error ring index 127 invalid) INTERNAL ERROR: invalid error code fffffffe (Ring Index out of range) in MPID_nem_tcp_init:373 Fatal error in PMPI_Init: Other MPI error, error stack: MPIR_Init_thread(586)..............: MPID_Init(224).....................: channel initialization failed MPIDI_CH3_Init(105)................: MPID_nem_init(324).................: MPID_nem_tcp_init(175).............: MPID_nem_tcp_get_business_card(401): MPID_nem_tcp_init(373).............: gethostbyname failed, localhost (errno 0) This is what Ludo reproduced: