Net::PSYC binary "psycion" requires perl-curses, which has been packaged and send for review. psycion is being bugfixed, it is functional but the server application it functions with needs to update the internal policies on how to treat native psyc clients. It's on the todo list and will be fixed eventually. As psycion is not the only part of Net::PSYC I find it okay to submit the entire perl-net-psyc now instead of waiting for psyced to have this policy fixed. There is psycmp3 which currently depends on MP3::List and the rxaudio shareware, it will be fixed to function with current free software equivalents of dependencies. It is deleted in a snippet phase for now and will be added back when it no longer "recommends non-free software". For another binary, I would have to package fam and SGI::FAM, this is reflected in the most recent commit: "moving bin/psycfilemonitor to contrib until somebody upgrades it to use inotify instead of fam". No one uses this binary currently, so it can be left where it is and will be updated in time. I created the file gnu/packages/psyc.scm because I am working on more applications: psyced, libpsyc, psyclpc and future releases. As they all circle around the domain and the protocol PSYC, a dedicated file is the only logic choice. libpsyc will follow soon after this (perl-net-psyc) patch. I am working close with upstream to address issues on different operating systems. Upstream developers do very rarely release tarballs, in the case of Net::PSYC this git commit has more bugfixes than the latest tarball. As soon as the tarball catches up I will consider to change it, however this is a very small application collection, so a checkout will not take that much space on distributing servers. Thanks for reviewing.