I have a similar libvirtd service configuration on my system, but I've only used libvirt a handful of times. Do you want access to the user's libvert socket? If you run =libvirtd --help= this tells you where the user session socket will be set up. I tried using =virsh -c qemu:///session= I couldn't find the libvirt D-BUS API bindings described here: https://libvirt.org/dbus.html and I believe these are required above the group membership/setup for permitting the user access to the qemu://system sockets. I never could get the user-level connection work in the past. However, when I go to start virt-manager, i'm getting a GLIBC mismatch. =virt-manager -c qemu:///session= crashes on startup while the virsh console is running. I think I need to update my user's profile. -- David Conner