Dear GUIX-SD, I am interested in this initiative because it is the GNU distribution and also because there is the possibility to address some major technical problems I have with current GNU / Linux distributions. I have several questions, and I would appreciate it if you could attempt to answer some of them. * Integration with existing software distribution managers Modern languages (I use this term loosely) have developed their own cross-platform distribution mechanisms. It feels like a terrible waste of effort for GNU / Linux distributions to repackage such artefacts instead of relying on the well maintained industry standards. For example, on the JVM, Maven Central is the central point for hosting source code, binaries and documentations for individual libraries, with GPG signatures, checksums and license information. Most commercial organisations host their on mirror of Maven Central, giving them full control over which artefacts are approved for use internally. Developers of Java / Scala / etc use tools (maven, ivy, etc) to manage downloading local filesystem caches of the exact artefacts that they need (and their transitive dependencies). However, distributions such as Debian and Redhat repackage all files and make a complete mess of it. It would be far superior if the OS package manager simply had a Maven backend that populated a system-wide local filesystem maven repository. Then Java applications supported by guix could follow a basic "java application" template, and there would be no need for the OS package manager to track each individual transitive dependency. Installation of Java applications would then be trivial. I don't want to single out Java, because this is true of a large variety of other languages: Haskell (cabal), Go (built-in), Python, Perl, etc. One could even argue that Emacs ELPA falls into this category also, and that a locally hosted MELPA would make sense for locked-down machines. The result is that I tend to ignore any java, scala, haskell or go application or library from apt, and use the preferred language-specific package manager to install and manage that application. It would be really nice if this was all integrated into guix such that I had one package management interface for system wide installations. How are you planning on handling these more modern languages that manage their own dependencies? * Docker image Most GNU / Linux distributions have uploaded a base image of their OS to will you be creating and uploading a similar image? I'd love to try one out. I use docker to maintain a consistent build environment (across many heterogenous devices) for many of my free software projects and it is incredibly well suited to this task. I strongly recommend docker as a way to build artefacts. With the immergence of lightweight CI build tools such as it would be an incredible way to boost your build farm! Indeed, you wouldn't need to ask for hardware donations and could instead ask for docker worker donations (users open up an SSL connection to their hardware and you use it from an orchestrated drone). It also makes it a lot easier for users to test their packaging scripts before submitting their changes to your central repository. * Issue tracker / comm channels I see that you are using debbugs, savannah and email mailing lists as the main communication channels. This is a very traditional approach to managing a free software community. Along with a large number of other people, I have found that a single, integrated, web based approach is far easier to engage with as a user, for example github (free as in beer) or gitlab (free as in freedom, but less complete). The "pull request" concept makes it exceptionally easy to make contributions, and easy for admins to review and accept those proposed changes. Will you be continuing to use debbugs, savannah and mailing lists going forward or would you consider moving to a modern community management system like gitlab? * Custom / full install images Debian and co use an antiquated concept of CD/DVD isos for installations. The vast majority of modern users want to put either a full or a custom (where they have selected all the packages) installation image onto a USB. It is not always possible to use network installation from a minimal image due to firewall rules or connectivity issues. Something I've wanted for a long time would be the ability to create an installation image on a USB, and fill the remainder of the USB with a VFAT partition. This is remarkably hard to achieve with gparted and a fixed size installation image.