> "The trouble with firmware" by Jake Edge, January 5, 2011 > https://lwn.net/Articles/421680/ Interesting article. I share similar views and I believe that making proprietary code hard to proliferate is laudable. See the GPL license. I'm not completely convince how Linux-libre would work towards that end though. That said, I'm now stuck with an iwlwifi card and I have to live with that much backward practices. > As Ludo mentioned elsewhere, using a dongle is one good option. What > prevents you from using a dongle? A nit, really, but I have an rather extreme life-style that pushes me to travel as lightweight as possible. A dongle is not much for sure, but if I can I'd rather avoid it. The other issue is that when I initially wrote this e-mail I could not buy one and could not even order online. Not a problem anymore for now. Being even more picky, dongles have drawbacks: - They occupy a USB port (I have only 2). - They stick out... :p > https://minifree.org/ Thanks for the link, I did not know about it. Very nice initiative. I am now running the ultra-thin laptop Xiaomi Air 13, which, beside the non-free iwlwifi card, is an excellent piece of hardware in my opinion. Way ahead of the offers on minifree. I wish there would be something similar and a 100% free. Anyone aware of such a machine? -- Pierre Neidhardt