Julien Lepiller writes: > Le 21 octobre 2020 11:57:48 GMT-04:00, "Ludovic Courtès" a écrit : >>zimoun skribis: >> >>>> > The proposed coming timeline is: >>>> > >>>> > - freeze starting the Oct. 26th >>>> > - last round for testing all over the week >>>> > - unfreeze the Oct. 29th and then create the branch >>>> > - minor bug fixes and all the papeword around (NEWS, blog, etc.) >>>> > - release Nov. 6th. >>>> >>>> Overall LGTM, but could you clarify what you mean by “freeze” on >>>> Oct. 26–29? No “important” changes to ‘master’, including to the >>>> manual, is that correct? >>> >>> Yes, no "important" changes to 'master' which means: >>> - no package or service updates >> >>I would phrase it as no _important_ package or service updates. >>Updating non-critical leaf packages or services is probably fine. Agree. Re: staging, I don't think there is anything release-critical in it (and it may even introduce bugs, hard to tell because #44121). >>> - no manual entry >>> - only serious fixes under guix/ or installer(s) >>> >>> From my point of view, it is easier to freeze 'master' since >>everybody >>> can "guix pull" and check that everything is fine. >>> Otherwise, instead of the freeze, let create the branch and so "guix >>> pull --branch=version-1.2.0". It is up to you. >> >>Yeah we could also branch on the 26th and cherry-pick harmless changes >>from ‘master’, so people can still have fun on ‘master’. Sounds good to me. > Wouldn't that mess up with guix's authentication mechanism? If we branch v1.2 early, our release will have no forward path to master, so all our users will get an error when running guix pull. I think the authentication mechanism starts at a fixed point for new users/installs (i.e. no previous 'guix pull').