On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 13:34:37 +0200, Ludovic Courtès wrote: > I wonder why IceCat is based on an ESR, and what it would take to have > it follow Firefox releases more closely. IWBN if IceCat could be pretty > much like Linux-libre, i.e., a set of scripts that semi-automatically > adjusts the Firefox source (I’m not sure if that is the case currently.) Its maintainer was struggling to keep up with any releases at all, which is why Mark Weaver stepped up backporting security patches for Guix. I'm not sure how much effort is involved with running the script and issuing a new release. > At any rate, people interested in this should probably team up with the > IceCat people (person?) to see how we can together move in the right > direction. Please do contact maintainers@gnu.org if anyone is interested! Rubén Rodríguez is IceCat's maintainer and is an employee at the FSF. I proposed to both rms and John Sullivan at different points that maybe IceCat maintenance can be made part of Rubén's responsibilities at the FSF. The FSF recently announced a paid contact position for LibreJS, so maybe at some point IceCat can see some attention too. -- Mike Gerwitz Free Software Hacker+Activist | GNU Maintainer & Volunteer GPG: D6E9 B930 028A 6C38 F43B 2388 FEF6 3574 5E6F 6D05 https://mikegerwitz.com