Hello! The Parted manual mentions a “GNU Storage Guide” that the intertubes haven’t even seen, it seems. I found that r600 by Leslie P. Polzer in the original svn repo was the one that introduced the references to this guide (see patch below, or ‘svn diff -c600 svn://svn.debian.org/svn/parted/upstream/trunk’). I was wondering if Leslie or someone else would have a copy of this guide? Alternately, what about reinstating the relevant bits of r600? The reason I’m asking is that, in the context of GuixSD, it would be great to be able to refer to the Parted manual or to the Storage Guide, rather than writing yet another half-baked intro to partitioning with Parted that is bound to become outdated. Thoughts? Thanks in advance. :-) Ludo’.