swedebugia writes: > I read up on how to setup a tile server with the least hassle. It is > quite a bit involved according to this guide: > https://switch2osm.org/manually-building-a-tile-server-18-04-lts/ > > I imagine this could be more fully automated with guix if we find a way > to run the pgsql-commands from guile and write the necessary services. > > We have most of the bits and pieces already but I spotted a few that > were missing while reading and thought I would share them here: > > * mod_tile (apache plugin) https://github.com/openstreetmap/mod_tile > * carto (uses npm and node) https://www.npmjs.com/package/carto (7 > dependencies - at least 1 with a lot of dependencies (yargs)) > * openstreetmap-carto (contain carto-css styles and a lua-script useful > for tag-transformation when loading pbf-files into a postgis database > with osm2pgsql and get-shapefiles.py a script to download low-zoom > country boundaries) https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/ > > This last one should perhaps be included in our osm2pgsql-package > because it is hard to imagine someone using one but not the other. > > It seems we need a renderd-service also. > > Thoughts? Hey, I've had some experience with tile servers, but this was a little while ago when I was still using Debian. I wrote up some documentation for Debian, but that might be useful when looking at how to configure the relevant services within Guix [1]. 1: https://wiki.debian.org/OSM/tileserver/jessie I'd love to see it being easy to setup a tile server with Guix :) Chris