> That's a fair question. I suppose I don't much know -- the Summer of > Code ideas site listed "package window manager" as one of the > projects, so I assumed there was a lot to be done. Maybe that's more > about packaging the dependencies of the larger projects. I've just checked the page. Yes, I feel that it's about packaging the dependencies. So if you like tiling WMs, you can package one (by the way, there is a patch [1] that adds dwm to 'core-updates'). Then you can package things like PDF viewers and other graphical tools. For example, you can create a list of tools which are shipped with GNOME. This will reduce the amount of work when we decide to package a non-tiling WM. So, here is a to-do list that summarizes the above: 1. Choose a WM. 2. For instance, find which packages are shipped with GNOME. 3. Use 'guix import' and 'guix package -A' to identify the missing packages. It will help to determine what should be done first. But first, let's hear what others think. [1] https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-guix/2013-03/msg00167.html