I am trying to setup an offload daemon. I have everything setup correctly (I think ;) $ guix offload test completes successfully. The offload daemon is actually guix on a foreign distro (Debian sid in this case). Neither guix running on top of a Debian (sid and jessie) nor guixsd seem to even call out to the offload daemon. All boxen are 64. My /etc/guix/machines.scm is here (list (build-machine (name "thor.lab01.jamestechnotes.com") (system "x86_64-linux") (host-key "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIJf0ezYgeVFit40VJwaBEW1dGm2Xz+SHzVmib8IbN58y root@thor") (user "guix") (speed 1.) (private-key (string-append (getenv "HOME") "/.ssh/identity-for-guix")))) Is x86_64-linux the proper system type? Is there a way to query the string that quix/guile actually uses to match system? Thanks, James Richardson