We are pleased to announce the release of Cuirass 1.1. This is the second official release of Cuirass, the GNU Guix continuous integration software. For the last six months, this project has been funded through the NGI0 PET Fund, a fund established by NLNet[1]. Thanks to this support, Cuirass has seen numerous improvements, such as a switch to PostgreSQL and the introduction of a distributed build mechanism. Cuirass is now providing substitutes to all Guix users in a faster and more reliable way while providing better monitoring. • About Cuirass is the GNU Guix continuous integration software. It's a general purpose build automation server written in GNU Guile that checks out sources from VCS repositories, execute build jobs and store build results in a database. Cuirass also provides a web interface to monitor the build results. Cuirass is running on GNU Guix build farm[2]. • Download Here are the compressed sources and a GPG detached signature: https://guix.gnu.org/cuirass/releases/cuirass-1.1.0.tar.gz https://guix.gnu.org/cuirass/releases/cuirass-1.1.0.tar.gz.sig Here are the SHA1 checksums: 90a4ddbbb255353a1a90807b5d3333cc4ec7ed7e cuirass-1.1.0.tar.gz fe46ad674be0c3d1578d2c3950717f1dcf775e1f cuirass-1.1.0.tar.gz.sig • Changes since version 1.1.0 (excerpt from the NEWS file) ** Database *** Add Jobs table *** Add BuildDependencies table *** Add Dashboards table ** Remote building *** Add GC roots for the build outputs *** Increase the fetch workers count to 8 *** Build derivations in a topological order using the BuildDependencies table *** Resume dependent builds when a build is successful after a restart *** Display the remote-server fetch queue size ** Specifications *** Add period support *** Add "images", "system-tests" and tarball build types ** Web *** Add a footer with the Cuirass version *** Add table order buttons *** Add a pagination button on the evaluation page *** Add a build dashboard page *** Improve accessibility and add the Accessiblity Foundation report *** Add badges support *** Display build dependencies in the build details page Please report bugs to bug-guix@gnu.org Join guix-devel@gnu.org and #guix on Freenode for discussions. Mathieu [1]: https://nlnet.nl/ [2]: https://ci.guix.gnu.org