Andrew, Thanks for reporting this! Fixed in Guix commit 86d316b. > I tried the obvious fix of putting in the correct hash Obvious maybe, but not much of a fix, as you discovered: what mishappened to change the hash in the first place? Anything bad? Would it happen again next week? > expected hash: > 1hhx8gmn81k8qrkx4p7ppinmygxga9fqffd626wkvhjgg2ky8lhs This hash corresponds to tlaplus commit 6932e19. > actual hash: > 0xqp2ayn3knmdcs5h1sb70rf1adirg2i4igl0y2r0mlx4wwlma2h This hash corresponds to tlaplus commit 875bf8f. > Given that the current tag v1.8.0 is from 2021-09-14 while ~git > blame~ says that tla2tools hasn't been touched since 2021-04-15, > something weird is definitely going on. Upstream has moved the v1.8.0 ‘tag’ by *eighty-seven* commits! Probably more. Why?? Are they nihilistic hellraisers? Probably not: according to [0] 1.8.0 is not a proper release. Oops. Let's give them the benefit of the doubt. If it still moves after the release, and if I don't forget, I'll file a bug. Closing this one, T G-R [0]: