Hi Dominic and Alexey! Thank you for the work and patience to bring Nebula to Guix. I've shifted new packages into golang-xyz and move some from (gnu packages syncthing) to prevent it's inclusion into (gnu packages networking). Some of packages were already available so I've not include them. - Modification applied [10/10] 1. [X] go-github-com-anmitsu-go-shlex - Adjust description - Placed to (gnu packages golang-xyz) 2. [X] go-github-com-armon-go-radix - Adjust description - Placed to (gnu packages golang-xyz) 3. [X] go-github-com-cyberdelia-go-metrics-graphite - Adjust description - Placed to (gnu packages golang-xyz) 4. [X] go-github-com-google-gopacket - Added in 124ca1e500d65b57c802ee06423c1581a197ee1f by Hilton Chain 5. [X] go-github-com-miekg-dns - Adjust description - Placed to (gnu packages golang-xyz) 6. [X] go-github-com-nbrownus-go-metrics-prometheus - Adjust description - Placed to (gnu packages golang-xyz) 7. [X] go-github-com-songgao-water - Adjust description - Placed to (gnu packages golang-xyz) 8. [X] go-google-golang-org-protobuf - Added in 8835937ea5d708f322aa7ceabcf0d827f38168fc by (unmatched-parenthesis 9. [X] go-github-com-skip2-go-qrcode - Adjust description - Placed to (gnu packages golang-xyz) - Mentioned in https://issues.guix.gnu.org/62284 10. [X] go-dario-cat-mergo Pushed as 0969cb0b48..ace1785c5d to master. -- Oleg