Hi Attila, I've pushed patches adjusting import from proposed by Christina O'Donnell . As you may check the thread - all recent work on improving import are mentioned and #69827 looks more tempting to be applied as it implements logic to work with monorepo, stared to be popular in Golang projects. Recursive import did not break for a large chain for me, up to 400 inputs. Update/unbundle stats: - https://github.com/spf13/afero 1.2.2->1.11.0 require +209 packages - https://github.com/rclone/rclone 1.53.2->1.68.0 require +360 packages - https://github.com/restic/restic 0.9.6->0.17.1 requires +237 packages - https://github.com/ipfs/boxo to unbundle from Kubo - https://github.com/42wim/matterbridge 1.26.0 to unbundle, breaks on some network issue on 330 something input It gives me some confident to keep that change (#69827). go-team contains updates of golang-build module which require to rebuild most of the dependent packages. There is also a patch series fixing issue with embed files . I'd like to merge #73299 and resolve all packages where needed, then the branch is ready for review and hope soonish merge into master. Containing changes will bring more smooth importing experiance and groud work for final set of packages for Prometheus which I about to submit. -- Oleg