You’ll see that it hangs waiting for a response as soon as you pipeline 85 requests or more. Note that: 1. doesn’t have that problem; 2. doesn’t have that problem; 3. when you send 85 requests, it hangs waiting for the 85th response; but when you send 200 requests, it hangs waiting for the 160th response; so it seems it’s not just a matter of TLS record size. I suspected something having to do with TLS record size limits, but item #3 above may invalidate that hypothesis. The weird thing is that we haven’t change the config of berlin in recent days. Berlin runs nginx 1.17.5 on openssl 1.1.1d, while bayfront runs nginx 1.17.0 on openssl 1.0.2p. I very much welcome any ideas you may have! Thanks, Ludo’.