Hi Edison Ibáñez if you see this, I am unsure if my reply on debuggs was sent, i am yet to get a email address that supports git send-email, It seems that go embed does not support symlinks and in the kitty build dir, "/src/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/v2/**" the embed-ed files are symlinks to the chroma store directory. https://pkg.go.dev/embed "Patterns must not match files outside the package's module, such as ‘.git/*’ or symbolic links. Patterns must not match files whose names include the special punctuation characters " * < > ? ` ' | / \ and :. Matches for empty directories are ignored. After that, each pattern in a //go:embed line must match at least one file or non-empty directory. " I was just looking at what is the process which creates the link, it is possibly line 232 ( in my checkout) of guix/build/go-build-system ```   (let ((dest (string-append (getenv "GOPATH") "/src/" unpack-path)))     (mkdir-p dest)     (if (file-is-directory? source)         (copy-recursively source dest #:keep-mtime? #t)         (unpack-maybe-strip source dest))) ``` there is not a symlink function call, i think build systems are inherited so maybe it is in a containing build system. Im going out now but this seems to be the cause of the failure. Also if anyone sees this and has an invite to riseup email service ( should the service be capable of handling another stranger) then please may i have a invite?, google sux Thanks!