Em 06/01/2019 08:31, swedebugia@riseup.net escreveu: > After installing Icecat on guixsd v0.16 and starting it it shows only > squares instead of text and pango warns "missing font nimbus ..." This behavior seems similar to what I experience while using Guix in Trisquel 8.0 Flidas. The problem doesn't cause squares to appear, it actually causes the last text font that fontconfig advertises to IceCat, to be selected. I don't know how fontconfig selects these fonts, but I noticed that you can test this by placing some font in "~/.local/share/fonts" and running `fc-cache -vf'. IceCat should pick that font. You might need to try with different fonts, as IceCat seems to expect from fontconfig that it selects fonts with specific properties.