;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU ;;; Copyright © 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 Ludovic Courtès ;;; Copyright © 2013 Mark H Weaver ;;; Copyright © 2013 Nikita Karetnikov ;;; Copyright © 2014 Alex Kost ;;; Copyright © 2014 Deck Pickard ;;; ;;; This file is part of GNU Guix. ;;; ;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at ;;; your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with GNU Guix. If not, see . (define-module (guix ui) #:use-module (guix utils) #:use-module (guix store) #:use-module (guix config) #:use-module (guix packages) #:use-module (guix profiles) #:use-module (guix derivations) #:use-module (guix build-system) #:use-module (guix serialization) #:use-module ((guix build utils) #:select (mkdir-p)) #:use-module ((guix licenses) #:select (license? license-name)) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (srfi srfi-11) #:use-module (srfi srfi-19) #:use-module (srfi srfi-26) #:use-module (srfi srfi-34) #:use-module (srfi srfi-35) #:use-module (srfi srfi-37) #:autoload (ice-9 ftw) (scandir) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (ice-9 format) #:use-module (ice-9 regex) #:replace (symlink) #:export (_ N_ P_ report-error leave make-user-module read-scheme-file report-load-error warn-about-load-error show-version-and-exit show-bug-report-information string->number* size->number show-what-to-build show-manifest-transaction call-with-error-handling with-error-handling read/eval read/eval-package-expression location->string switch-symlinks config-directory fill-paragraph string->recutils package->recutils package-specification->name+version+output string->generations string->duration args-fold* parse-command-line run-guix-command program-name guix-warning-port warning guix-main)) ;;; Commentary: ;;; ;;; User interface facilities for command-line tools. ;;; ;;; Code: (define %gettext-domain ;; Text domain for strings used in the tools. "guix") (define %package-text-domain ;; Text domain for package synopses and descriptions. "guix-packages") (define _ (cut gettext <> %gettext-domain)) (define N_ (cut ngettext <> <> <> %gettext-domain)) (define P_ (cut gettext <> %package-text-domain)) (define-syntax-rule (define-diagnostic name prefix) "Create a diagnostic macro (i.e., NAME), which will prepend PREFIX to all messages." (define-syntax name (lambda (x) (define (augmented-format-string fmt) (string-append "~:[~*~;guix ~a: ~]~a" (syntax->datum fmt))) (syntax-case x () ((name (underscore fmt) args (... ...)) (and (string? (syntax->datum #'fmt)) (free-identifier=? #'underscore #'_)) (with-syntax ((fmt* (augmented-format-string #'fmt)) (prefix (datum->syntax x prefix))) #'(format (guix-warning-port) (gettext fmt*) (program-name) (program-name) prefix args (... ...)))) ((name (N-underscore singular plural n) args (... ...)) (and (string? (syntax->datum #'singular)) (string? (syntax->datum #'plural)) (free-identifier=? #'N-underscore #'N_)) (with-syntax ((s (augmented-format-string #'singular)) (p (augmented-format-string #'plural)) (prefix (datum->syntax x prefix))) #'(format (guix-warning-port) (ngettext s p n %gettext-domain) (program-name) (program-name) prefix args (... ...)))))))) (define-diagnostic warning "warning: ") ; emit a warning (define-diagnostic report-error "error: ") (define-syntax-rule (leave args ...) "Emit an error message and exit." (begin (report-error args ...) (exit 1))) (define (make-user-module modules) "Return a new user module with the additional MODULES loaded." ;; Module in which the machine description file is loaded. (let ((module (make-fresh-user-module))) (for-each (lambda (iface) (module-use! module (resolve-interface iface))) modules) module)) (define (read-scheme-file file user-module) "Read the user provided Scheme source code FILE." (catch #t (lambda () (set! %fresh-auto-compile #t) (save-module-excursion (lambda () (set-current-module user-module) (primitive-load file)))) (lambda args (report-load-error file args)))) (define (report-load-error file args) "Report the failure to load FILE, a user-provided Scheme file, and exit. ARGS is the list of arguments received by the 'throw' handler." (match args (('system-error . _) (let ((err (system-error-errno args))) (leave (_ "failed to load '~a': ~a~%") file (strerror err)))) (('syntax-error proc message properties form . rest) (let ((loc (source-properties->location properties))) (format (current-error-port) (_ "~a: error: ~a~%") (location->string loc) message) (exit 1))) ((error args ...) (report-error (_ "failed to load '~a':~%") file) (apply display-error #f (current-error-port) args) (exit 1)))) (define (warn-about-load-error file args) ;FIXME: factorize with ↑ "Report the failure to load FILE, a user-provided Scheme file, without exiting. ARGS is the list of arguments received by the 'throw' handler." (match args (('system-error . _) (let ((err (system-error-errno args))) (warning (_ "failed to load '~a': ~a~%") file (strerror err)))) (('syntax-error proc message properties form . rest) (let ((loc (source-properties->location properties))) (format (current-error-port) (_ "~a: warning: ~a~%") (location->string loc) message))) ((error args ...) (warning (_ "failed to load '~a':~%") file) (apply display-error #f (current-error-port) args)))) (define (install-locale) "Install the current locale settings." (catch 'system-error (lambda _ (setlocale LC_ALL "")) (lambda args (warning (_ "failed to install locale: ~a~%") (strerror (system-error-errno args)))))) (define (initialize-guix) "Perform the usual initialization for stand-alone Guix commands." (install-locale) (textdomain %gettext-domain) ;; Ignore SIGPIPE. If the daemon closes the connection, we prefer to be ;; notified via an EPIPE later. (sigaction SIGPIPE SIG_IGN) (setvbuf (current-output-port) _IOLBF) (setvbuf (current-error-port) _IOLBF)) (define* (show-version-and-exit #:optional (command (car (command-line)))) "Display version information for COMMAND and `(exit 0)'." (simple-format #t "~a (~a) ~a~%" command %guix-package-name %guix-version) (display (_ "Copyright (C) 2015 the Guix authors License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. ")) (exit 0)) (define (show-bug-report-information) (format #t (_ " Report bugs to: ~a.") %guix-bug-report-address) (format #t (_ " ~a home page: <~a>") %guix-package-name %guix-home-page-url) (display (_ " General help using GNU software: ")) (newline)) (define symlink (let ((real-symlink (@ (guile) symlink))) (lambda (target link) "This is a 'symlink' replacement that provides proper error reporting." (catch 'system-error (lambda () (real-symlink target link)) (lambda (key proc fmt args errno) ;; Augment the FMT and ARGS with information about LINK (this ;; information is missing as of Guile 2.0.11, making the exception ;; uninformative.) (apply throw key proc "~A: ~S" (append args (list link)) errno)))))) (define (string->number* str) "Like `string->number', but error out with an error message on failure." (or (string->number str) (leave (_ "~a: invalid number~%") str))) (define (size->number str) "Convert STR, a storage measurement representation such as \"1024\" or \"1MiB\", to a number of bytes. Raise an error if STR could not be interpreted." (define unit-pos (string-rindex str char-set:digit)) (define unit (and unit-pos (substring str (+ 1 unit-pos)))) (let* ((numstr (if unit-pos (substring str 0 (+ 1 unit-pos)) str)) (num (string->number numstr))) (unless num (leave (_ "invalid number: ~a~%") numstr)) ((compose inexact->exact round) (* num (match unit ((or "KiB" "K" "k") (expt 2 10)) ((or "MiB" "M") (expt 2 20)) ((or "GiB" "G") (expt 2 30)) ((or "TiB" "T") (expt 2 40)) ((or "PiB" "P") (expt 2 50)) ((or "EiB" "E") (expt 2 60)) ((or "ZiB" "Z") (expt 2 70)) ((or "YiB" "Y") (expt 2 80)) ("kB" (expt 10 3)) ("MB" (expt 10 6)) ("GB" (expt 10 9)) ("TB" (expt 10 12)) ("PB" (expt 10 15)) ("EB" (expt 10 18)) ("ZB" (expt 10 21)) ("YB" (expt 10 24)) ("" 1) (_ (leave (_ "unknown unit: ~a~%") unit))))))) (define (call-with-error-handling thunk) "Call THUNK within a user-friendly error handler." (guard (c ((package-input-error? c) (let* ((package (package-error-package c)) (input (package-error-invalid-input c)) (location (package-location package)) (file (location-file location)) (line (location-line location)) (column (location-column location))) (leave (_ "~a:~a:~a: package `~a' has an invalid input: ~s~%") file line column (package-full-name package) input))) ((package-cross-build-system-error? c) (let* ((package (package-error-package c)) (loc (package-location package)) (system (package-build-system package))) (leave (_ "~a: ~a: build system `~a' does not support cross builds~%") (location->string loc) (package-full-name package) (build-system-name system)))) ((profile-not-found-error? c) (leave (_ "profile '~a' does not exist~%") (profile-error-profile c))) ((missing-generation-error? c) (leave (_ "generation ~a of profile '~a' does not exist~%") (missing-generation-error-generation c) (profile-error-profile c))) ((nar-error? c) (let ((file (nar-error-file c)) (port (nar-error-port c))) (if file (leave (_ "corrupt input while restoring '~a' from ~s~%") file (or (port-filename port) port)) (leave (_ "corrupt input while restoring archive from ~s~%") (or (port-filename port) port))))) ((nix-connection-error? c) (leave (_ "failed to connect to `~a': ~a~%") (nix-connection-error-file c) (strerror (nix-connection-error-code c)))) ((nix-protocol-error? c) ;; FIXME: Server-provided error messages aren't i18n'd. (leave (_ "build failed: ~a~%") (nix-protocol-error-message c))) ((derivation-missing-output-error? c) (leave (_ "reference to invalid output '~a' of derivation '~a'~%") (derivation-missing-output c) (derivation-file-name (derivation-error-derivation c)))) ((message-condition? c) ;; Normally '&message' error conditions have an i18n'd message. (leave (_ "~a~%") (gettext (condition-message c) %gettext-domain)))) ;; Catch EPIPE and the likes. (catch 'system-error thunk (lambda (key proc format-string format-args . rest) (leave (_ "~a: ~a~%") proc (apply format #f format-string format-args)))))) (define %guix-user-module ;; Module in which user expressions are evaluated. ;; Compute lazily to avoid circularity with (guix gexp). (delay (let ((module (make-module))) (beautify-user-module! module) ;; Use (guix gexp) so that one can use #~ & co. (module-use! module (resolve-interface '(guix gexp))) module))) (define (read/eval str) "Read and evaluate STR, raising an error if something goes wrong." (let ((exp (catch #t (lambda () (call-with-input-string str read)) (lambda args (leave (_ "failed to read expression ~s: ~s~%") str args))))) (catch #t (lambda () (eval exp (force %guix-user-module))) (lambda args (leave (_ "failed to evaluate expression `~a': ~s~%") exp args))))) (define (read/eval-package-expression str) "Read and evaluate STR and return the package it refers to, or exit an error." (match (read/eval str) ((? package? p) p) (_ (leave (_ "expression ~s does not evaluate to a package~%") str)))) (define* (show-what-to-build store drv #:key dry-run? (use-substitutes? #t)) "Show what will or would (depending on DRY-RUN?) be built in realizing the derivations listed in DRV. Return #t if there's something to build, #f otherwise. When USE-SUBSTITUTES?, check and report what is prerequisites are available for download." (define substitutable? ;; Call 'substitutation-oracle' upfront so we don't end up launching the ;; substituter many times. This makes a big difference, especially when ;; DRV is a long list as is the case with 'guix environment'. (if use-substitutes? (substitution-oracle store drv) (const #f))) (define (built-or-substitutable? drv) (or (null? (derivation-outputs drv)) (let ((out (derivation->output-path drv))) ;XXX: assume "out" exists (or (valid-path? store out) (substitutable? out))))) (let*-values (((build download) (fold2 (lambda (drv build download) (let-values (((b d) (derivation-prerequisites-to-build store drv #:substitutable? substitutable?))) (values (append b build) (append d download)))) '() '() drv)) ((build) ; add the DRV themselves (delete-duplicates (append (map derivation-file-name (remove built-or-substitutable? drv)) (map derivation-input-path build)))) ((download) ; add the references of DOWNLOAD (if use-substitutes? (delete-duplicates (append download (remove (cut valid-path? store <>) (append-map substitutable-references (substitutable-path-info store download))))) download))) ;; TODO: Show the installed size of DOWNLOAD. (if dry-run? (begin (format (current-error-port) (N_ "~:[The following derivation would be built:~%~{ ~a~%~}~;~]" "~:[The following derivations would be built:~%~{ ~a~%~}~;~]" (length build)) (null? build) build) (format (current-error-port) (N_ "~:[The following file would be downloaded:~%~{ ~a~%~}~;~]" "~:[The following files would be downloaded:~%~{ ~a~%~}~;~]" (length download)) (null? download) download)) (begin (format (current-error-port) (N_ "~:[The following derivation will be built:~%~{ ~a~%~}~;~]" "~:[The following derivations will be built:~%~{ ~a~%~}~;~]" (length build)) (null? build) build) (format (current-error-port) (N_ "~:[The following file will be downloaded:~%~{ ~a~%~}~;~]" "~:[The following files will be downloaded:~%~{ ~a~%~}~;~]" (length download)) (null? download) download))) (pair? build))) (define (right-arrow port) "Return either a string containing the 'RIGHT ARROW' character, or an ASCII replacement if PORT is not Unicode-capable." (with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding (port-encoding port))) (let ((arrow "→")) (catch 'encoding-error (lambda () (call-with-output-string (lambda (port) (set-port-conversion-strategy! port 'error) (display arrow port)))) (lambda (key . args) "->"))))) (define* (show-manifest-transaction store manifest transaction #:key dry-run?) "Display what will/would be installed/removed from MANIFEST by TRANSACTION." (define (package-strings name version output item) (map (lambda (name version output item) (format #f " ~a~:[:~a~;~*~]\t~a\t~a" name (equal? output "out") output version (if (package? item) (package-output store item output) item))) name version output item)) (define → ;an arrow that can be represented on stderr (right-arrow (current-error-port))) (define (upgrade-string name old-version new-version output item) (format #f " ~a~:[:~a~;~*~]\t~a ~a ~a\t~a" name (equal? output "out") output old-version → new-version (if (package? item) (package-output store item output) item))) (let-values (((remove install upgrade downgrade) (manifest-transaction-effects manifest transaction))) (match remove ((($ name version output item) ..1) (let ((len (length name)) (remove (package-strings name version output item))) (if dry-run? (format (current-error-port) (N_ "The following package would be removed:~%~{~a~%~}~%" "The following packages would be removed:~%~{~a~%~}~%" len) remove) (format (current-error-port) (N_ "The following package will be removed:~%~{~a~%~}~%" "The following packages will be removed:~%~{~a~%~}~%" len) remove)))) (_ #f)) (match downgrade (((($ name old-version) . ($ _ new-version output item)) ..1) (let ((len (length name)) (downgrade (map upgrade-string name old-version new-version output item))) (if dry-run? (format (current-error-port) (N_ "The following package would be downgraded:~%~{~a~%~}~%" "The following packages would be downgraded:~%~{~a~%~}~%" len) downgrade) (format (current-error-port) (N_ "The following package will be downgraded:~%~{~a~%~}~%" "The following packages will be downgraded:~%~{~a~%~}~%" len) downgrade)))) (_ #f)) (match upgrade (((($ name old-version) . ($ _ new-version output item)) ..1) (let ((len (length name)) (upgrade (map upgrade-string name old-version new-version output item))) (if dry-run? (format (current-error-port) (N_ "The following package would be upgraded:~%~{~a~%~}~%" "The following packages would be upgraded:~%~{~a~%~}~%" len) upgrade) (format (current-error-port) (N_ "The following package will be upgraded:~%~{~a~%~}~%" "The following packages will be upgraded:~%~{~a~%~}~%" len) upgrade)))) (_ #f)) (match install ((($ name version output item _) ..1) (let ((len (length name)) (install (package-strings name version output item))) (if dry-run? (format (current-error-port) (N_ "The following package would be installed:~%~{~a~%~}~%" "The following packages would be installed:~%~{~a~%~}~%" len) install) (format (current-error-port) (N_ "The following package will be installed:~%~{~a~%~}~%" "The following packages will be installed:~%~{~a~%~}~%" len) install)))) (_ #f)))) (define-syntax with-error-handling (syntax-rules () "Run BODY within a user-friendly error condition handler." ((_ body ...) (call-with-error-handling (lambda () body ...))))) (define (location->string loc) "Return a human-friendly, GNU-standard representation of LOC." (match loc (#f (_ "")) (($ file line column) (format #f "~a:~a:~a" file line column)))) (define (switch-symlinks link target) "Atomically switch LINK, a symbolic link, to point to TARGET. Works both when LINK already exists and when it does not." (let ((pivot (string-append link ".new"))) (symlink target pivot) (rename-file pivot link))) (define (config-directory) "Return the name of the configuration directory, after making sure that it exists. Honor the XDG specs, ." (let ((dir (and=> (or (getenv "XDG_CONFIG_HOME") (and=> (getenv "HOME") (cut string-append <> "/.config"))) (cut string-append <> "/guix")))) (catch 'system-error (lambda () (mkdir-p dir) dir) (lambda args (let ((err (system-error-errno args))) ;; ERR is necessarily different from EEXIST. (leave (_ "failed to create configuration directory `~a': ~a~%") dir (strerror err))))))) (define* (fill-paragraph str width #:optional (column 0)) "Fill STR such that each line contains at most WIDTH characters, assuming that the first character is at COLUMN. When STR contains a single line break surrounded by other characters, it is converted to a space; sequences of more than one line break are preserved." (define (maybe-break chr result) (match result ((column newlines chars) (case chr ((#\newline) `(,column ,(+ 1 newlines) ,chars)) (else (let* ((spaces (if (and (pair? chars) (eqv? (car chars) #\.)) 2 1)) (chars (case newlines ((0) chars) ((1) (append (make-list spaces #\space) chars)) (else (append (make-list newlines #\newline) chars)))) (column (case newlines ((0) column) ((1) (+ spaces column)) (else 0)))) (let ((chars (cons chr chars)) (column (+ 1 column))) (if (> column width) (let*-values (((before after) (break (cut eqv? #\space <>) chars)) ((len) (length before))) (if (<= len width) `(,len 0 ,(if (null? after) before (append before (cons #\newline (drop-while (cut eqv? #\space <>) after))))) `(,column 0 ,chars))) ; unbreakable `(,column 0 ,chars))))))))) (match (string-fold maybe-break `(,column 0 ()) str) ((_ _ chars) (list->string (reverse chars))))) ;;; ;;; Packages. ;;; (define (string->recutils str) "Return a version of STR where newlines have been replaced by newlines followed by \"+ \", which makes for a valid multi-line field value in the `recutils' syntax." (list->string (string-fold-right (lambda (chr result) (if (eqv? chr #\newline) (cons* chr #\+ #\space result) (cons chr result))) '() str))) (define* (package->recutils p port #:optional (width (or (and=> (getenv "WIDTH") string->number) 80))) "Write to PORT a `recutils' record of package P, arranging to fit within WIDTH columns." (define (description->recutils str) (let ((str (P_ str))) (string->recutils (fill-paragraph str width (string-length "description: "))))) (define (dependencies->recutils packages) (let ((list (string-join (map package-full-name (sort packages packagerecutils (fill-paragraph list width (string-length "dependencies: "))))) (define (packagerecutils (filter package? inputs))))) (format port "location: ~a~%" (or (and=> (package-location p) location->string) (_ "unknown"))) ;; Note: Starting from version 1.6 or recutils, hyphens are not allowed in ;; field identifiers. (format port "homepage: ~a~%" (package-home-page p)) (format port "license: ~a~%" (match (package-license p) (((? license? licenses) ...) (string-join (map license-name licenses) ", ")) ((? license? license) (license-name license)) (x (_ "unknown")))) (format port "synopsis: ~a~%" (string-map (match-lambda (#\newline #\space) (chr chr)) (or (and=> (package-synopsis p) P_) ""))) (format port "description: ~a~%" (and=> (package-description p) description->recutils)) (newline port)) (define (string->generations str) "Return the list of generations matching a pattern in STR. This function accepts the following patterns: \"1\", \"1,2,3\", \"1..9\", \"1..\", \"..9\"." (define (maybe-integer) (let ((x (string->number str))) (and (integer? x) x))) (define (maybe-comma-separated-integers) (let ((lst (delete-duplicates (map string->number (string-split str #\,))))) (and (every integer? lst) lst))) (cond ((maybe-integer) => list) ((maybe-comma-separated-integers) => identity) ((string-match "^([0-9]+)\\.\\.([0-9]+)$" str) => (lambda (match) (let ((s (string->number (match:substring match 1))) (e (string->number (match:substring match 2)))) (and (every integer? (list s e)) (<= s e) (iota (1+ (- e s)) s))))) ((string-match "^([0-9]+)\\.\\.$" str) => (lambda (match) (let ((s (string->number (match:substring match 1)))) (and (integer? s) `(>= ,s))))) ((string-match "^\\.\\.([0-9]+)$" str) => (lambda (match) (let ((e (string->number (match:substring match 1)))) (and (integer? e) `(<= ,e))))) (else #f))) (define (string->duration str) "Return the duration matching a pattern in STR. This function accepts the following patterns: \"1d\", \"1w\", \"1m\"." (define (hours->duration hours match) (make-time time-duration 0 (* 3600 hours (string->number (match:substring match 1))))) (cond ((string-match "^([0-9]+)d$" str) => (lambda (match) (hours->duration 24 match))) ((string-match "^([0-9]+)w$" str) => (lambda (match) (hours->duration (* 24 7) match))) ((string-match "^([0-9]+)m$" str) => (lambda (match) (hours->duration (* 24 30) match))) (else #f))) (define* (package-specification->name+version+output spec #:optional (output "out")) "Parse package specification SPEC and return three value: the specified package name, version number (or #f), and output name (or OUTPUT). SPEC may optionally contain a version number and an output name, as in these examples: guile guile-2.0.9 guile:debug guile-2.0.9:debug " (let*-values (((name sub-drv) (match (string-rindex spec #\:) (#f (values spec output)) (colon (values (substring spec 0 colon) (substring spec (+ 1 colon)))))) ((name version) (package-name->name+version name))) (values name version sub-drv))) ;;; ;;; Command-line option processing. ;;; (define (args-fold* options unrecognized-option-proc operand-proc . seeds) "A wrapper on top of `args-fold' that does proper user-facing error reporting." (catch 'misc-error (lambda () (apply args-fold options unrecognized-option-proc operand-proc seeds)) (lambda (key proc msg args . rest) ;; XXX: MSG is not i18n'd. (leave (_ "invalid argument: ~a~%") (apply format #f msg args))))) (define (environment-build-options) "Return additional build options passed as environment variables." (arguments-from-environment-variable "GUIX_BUILD_OPTIONS")) (define %default-argument-handler ;; The default handler for non-option command-line arguments. (lambda (arg result) (alist-cons 'argument arg result))) (define* (parse-command-line args options seeds #:key (argument-handler %default-argument-handler)) "Parse the command-line arguments ARGS as well as arguments passed via the 'GUIX_BUILD_OPTIONS' environment variable according to OPTIONS (a list of SRFI-37 options) and return the result, seeded by SEEDS. Command-line options take precedence those passed via 'GUIX_BUILD_OPTIONS'. ARGUMENT-HANDLER is called for non-option arguments, like the 'operand-proc' parameter of 'args-fold'." (define (parse-options-from args seeds) ;; Actual parsing takes place here. (apply args-fold* args options (lambda (opt name arg . rest) (leave (_ "~A: unrecognized option~%") name)) argument-handler seeds)) (call-with-values (lambda () (parse-options-from (environment-build-options) seeds)) (lambda seeds ;; ARGS take precedence over what the environment variable specifies. (parse-options-from args seeds)))) (define (show-guix-usage) (format (current-error-port) (_ "Try `guix --help' for more information.~%")) (exit 1)) (define (command-files) "Return the list of source files that define Guix sub-commands." (define directory (and=> (search-path %load-path "guix.scm") (compose (cut string-append <> "/guix/scripts") dirname))) (define dot-scm? (cut string-suffix? ".scm" <>)) (if directory (scandir directory dot-scm?) '())) (define (commands) "Return the list of Guix command names." (map (compose (cut string-drop-right <> 4) basename) (command-files))) (define (show-guix-help) (define (internal? command) (member command '("substitute" "authenticate" "offload"))) (format #t (_ "Usage: guix COMMAND ARGS... Run COMMAND with ARGS.\n")) (newline) (format #t (_ "COMMAND must be one of the sub-commands listed below:\n")) (newline) ;; TODO: Display a synopsis of each command. (format #t "~{ ~a~%~}" (sort (remove internal? (commands)) stringsymbol command) args))))) ;;; ui.scm ends here