Am 06.09.2016 um 00:15 schrieb Björn Höfling:
I'm interested in which version of maven do you start to create? Which
version(s) of the dependencies/plugins are you rebuilding?

I started building the current version of maven, since the others are outdated and I did not want to rely on unmaintained software.

How do you proceed? Do you have an issue raised where we can share
knowledge/coordinate next steps?

I'll convert my intermediate results into patches and some "report" to the mailinglist later this week.

I gave up on packaging further Java packages. It's a a
bottomless pit of recursive dependencies.

"Bootstrapping" maven requires some pre-built .jar files (some of which are included in maven's "source"). But building these .jar files requires maven to find it's way through all the build-steps. There is some "maven-ant-plugin" which is said to "Generates an Ant build file from a POM." but (since it is a maven-plugin), it again requires maven.

Debian has some "maven-ant-helper" which contains some default "maven-build.xml", but again requires maven.

Later this week  I'll prepare my work and some ides so others can pick up and then Java can see my backside.

Side note;: I always had a bad feeling about Java software, but now I have a informed position, why Java software is of bad quality. One must only look at these cyclic build-dependencies and the sheer amount of packages from so many different
sources required to package even "common" stuff. Example: some "easymock" package requires a "dexmaker" package from google (which seems to be for access in android .dex files). Such a crap!

Schönen Gruß
Hartmut Goebel
Dipl.-Informatiker (univ), CISSP, CSSLP, ISO 27001 Lead Implementer
Information Security Management, Security Governance, Secure Software Development

Goebel Consult, Landshut
