I added "-lstdc++" to rust standard lib to overcome issue. Which solution is better:
1. change link flags for rust standard library, or
2. create rust-specific jemalloc as suggested in #29522?

4 декабря 2017 г. 19:33:31 GMT+05:00, Jelle Licht <jlicht@fsfe.org> пишет:

2017-12-03 20:01 GMT+01:00 Nikolai Merinov <nikolai.merinov@member.fsf.org>:
Update for a rustc and cargo packages. This update will also fix a

I do not have enough know-how to properly review your patch, but at least I can verify it seems to work.
I was able to build rustc and cargo succesfully with your patches, and was able to build and run a trivial hello world program written in rust.
When this patch is merged,  I think we can also close http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-guix/2017-12/msg00006.html, as it will no longer be relevant.

Nikolai Merinov