(define-module (www donate) #:export (donate)) (define donate '(html (@ (lang "en")) (head (meta (@ (charset "utf-8"))) (meta (@ (name "author") (content "GuixSD Contributors"))) (meta (@ (name "description") (content "GuixSD is GNU's advanced system distribution. GNU is an operating system which respects the freedom of computer users. You are free to run the system for any purpose, study how it works, improve it, and share it with the whole world."))) (meta (@ (name "keywords") (content "GNU, FSF, Free Software Foundation, Linux, Emacs, GCC, Unix, Free Software, Libre Software, Operating System, GNU Kernel, GNU Hurd, GUix Package Manager, Guile Scheme, Functional package management"))) (meta (@ (name "viewport") (content "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"))) (link (@ (type "text/css") (rel "stylesheet") (href "/software/guix/static/base/css/base.css"))) (link (@ (type "text/css") (rel "stylesheet") (href "/software/guix/static/base/css/article.css"))) (link (@ (type "image/png") (rel "icon") (href "/software/guix/static/base/img/favicon.png"))) (link (@ (rel "license") (href "Pending..."))) (title "Donate - GuixSD")) (body (div (@ (class "message-box msg-info")) (span (@ (class "msg-label")) "Note") "The Guix System Distribution (GuixSD) is alpha software. This means it is not production-ready. It may contain bugs and lack important features. But more than a disclaimer, this is an invitation to join us in improving it. See " (a (@ (href "/software/guix/contribute/")) "Contributing") ", for more information. We hope you can soon switch to GuixSD without fear. ") (div (@ (id "header-box")) (a (@ (id "logo") (href "/software/guix/")) (img (@ (src "/software/guix/static/base/img/GuixSD-logo.png") (alt "GuixSD")))) (ul (@ (id "site-nav")) (li (a (@ (href "/software/guix/download/")) "Download")) (li (a (@ (href "/software/guix/package-list.html")) "Packages")) (li (a (@ (href "/software/guix/help/")) "Help")) (li (a (@ (href "/software/guix/contribute/")) "Contribute")) (li (a (@ (href "/software/guix/donate/")) "Donate")) (li (a (@ (href "/software/guix/about/")) "About")))) (div (@ (id "content-box")) (article (h1 "Donate") (p "The " (a (@ (href "http://hydra.gnu.org/jobset/gnu/master")) "build farm") " of the Guix System Distribution runs on donated hardware and hosting. Please consider helping the project with donations. ") (p "As the distribution grows (see the " (a (@ (href "/software/guix/packages/")) "package list") "), so do the computing and storage needs. We are looking for donations of hardware and optionally hosting for the following kinds of machines (they should be usable with exclusively free software): ") (ul (li "x86_64 machines, with on the order of 1\xa0TiB of storage and 4\xa0GiB of RAM;") (li "armv7 machines that would allow us to provide pre-built binaries for the " (a (@ (href "https://savannah.gnu.org/forum/forum.php?forum_id=8175")) "recently-added ARM port") ";") (li "mips64el machines to strengthen this port.")) (p "Please get in touch with us through the " (a (@ (href "/software/guix/about/#contact")) "usual channels") "or using the guix-hardware@gnu.org private alias to discuss any opportunities. ") (h2 (@ (id "hardware-donors")) "Thanks to the donors!") (p "The table below summarizes hardware and hosting donations that make the " (a (@ (href "http://hydra.gnu.org")) "build farm") " for the Guix System Distribution a reality.") (table (thead (tr (th "machine") (th "system") (th "donors"))) (tbody (tr (td "hydra.gnu.org") (td "build farm front-end") (td (ul (li (a (@ (href "http://www.fsf.org/")) "Free Software \t Foundation"))))) (tr (td "hydra.gnunet.org") (td "x86_64-linux, i686-linux") (td (ul (li (a (@ (href "https://gnunet.org/fsnsg")) "Free Secure Network Systems Group") " at the " (a (@ (href "http://www.tum.de/")) "Technische Universität München"))))) (tr (td "chapters.gnu.org") (td "x86_64-linux, i686-linux") (td (ul (li (a (@ (href "http://es.gnu.org")) "GNU\xa0España") " (hardware)") (li (a (@ (href "http://fsffrance.org/index.en.html")) "FSF\xa0France") " (hosting)")))) (tr (td "wildebeest") (td "x86_64-linux, i686-linux") (td (ul (li "anonymous")))) (tr (td "librenote") (td "mips64el-linux") (td (ul (li "Daniel Clark (hardware)") (li "Mark H. Weaver (hosting)")))))))) (div (@ (id "footer-box")) "copyleft 2015 GuixSD " (a (@ (href "/software/guix/contribute/") (class "hlink-yellow")) "Contributors") ". Made with " (span (@ (class "metta")) "♥") " by humans."))))