Hi Ricardo, I used /cond/ conditional  and gave a try. This worked out with following line. I also included string-match which also worked. All I need to look for next step is to use regular expressions instead of string. > You also see that “if” alone is not sufficient here, because you have > more than one expression. You could nest “if” expressions, but that’s > ugly. You can use “cond” instead.    /(cond ((string-match "(starting phase" str) (colorized-display str '(GREEN))) // //          ((string-prefix? "succeed" str) (colorized-display str '(GREEN))) // //          ((string-prefix? "failed" str) (colorized-display str '(GREEN))) // //          (else (display str target-port) )))/ > Please look at the examples in my previous email again. I used > “string-match”, “match:substring”, and “and=>”, which you may not be > familiar with yet. > I used them individually but I still dint figure out the way it works in the example. I will check that as next one. Thanks!! Sahithi