;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU ;;; Copyright © 2022 B. Wilson ;;; ;;; This file is part of GNU Guix. ;;; ;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at ;;; your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with GNU Guix. If not, see . (define-module (gnu packages jsoftware) #:use-module (guix build utils) #:use-module (guix build-system gnu) #:use-module (guix build-system trivial) #:use-module (guix git-download) #:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:) #:use-module (guix packages) #:use-module (guix utils) #:use-module (gnu packages) #:use-module (gnu packages libedit) #:use-module (gnu packages llvm) #:use-module (gnu packages maths) #:use-module (guix gexp) #:use-module (ice-9 ftw) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (ice-9 regex) #:use-module (ice-9 rdelim) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (srfi srfi-26) #:use-module (srfi srfi-71)) ;;; TODO: Make importer and packages for J addons: ;;; http://www.jsoftware.com/jal/ ;;; TODO: Package up j80x series (define (jname prefix release-type) "Return a package name for J, including RELEASE-TYPE only if not 'release." (match release-type ('release prefix) (_ (string-append prefix "-" (symbol->string release-type))))) ;; We want a version string where packages specifications like pkg@MAJOR work. ;; This requires that the first version part separator be dot. Subsequent ;; separators are hyphen, mirror `git-version' etc. (define* (jversion->string major minor #:optional revision commit) "Return a version string formatted like MAJOR.MINOR-REVISION-COMMIT. Only MAJOR is required, and MINOR defaults to ``0'' if not supplied." (let* ((commit (and commit (string-take commit 7))) (sub-parts (filter (cut (compose not eq?) #f <>) (list minor revision commit)))) (string-append major "." (string-join sub-parts "-")))) (define* (jrelease-string release-type #:optional version-minor) "Construct J release identifier string." (let ((release-type (symbol->string release-type))) (if version-minor (string-append release-type "-" version-minor) release-type))) (define* (jinfo->git-tag version-major release-type #:optional version-minor) "Given version parameters, construct a git tag for upstream releases." (string-append "j" version-major (jrelease-string release-type version-minor))) (define jsoftware-aux-files (file-union "jsoftware-aux-files" ;; profilex.ijs overrides ~install and ~addons directories to reside under ;; the user-writable ~user. This allows local-install of addons via ;; pacman. ;; TODO: Guix-ify J addons as well. `(("profilex.ijs" ,(search-auxiliary-file "jsoftware/profilex.ijs")) ;; Gexp script that detects AVX/AVX2 support at runtime and executes ;; jconsole with the appropriate libj.so and profile.ijs." ("ijconsole" ,(with-imported-modules '((guix cpu) (guix memoization) (guix profiling) (guix sets) (srfi srfi-26)) (program-file "ijconsole" #~(begin (use-modules ((guix cpu) #:select (cpu-flags current-cpu)) ((guix sets) #:select (set-contains?)) ((srfi srfi-26) #:select (cute))) ;; Assume that this script will be installed under bin/. (define %basedir (dirname (dirname (current-filename)))) (let* ((jconsole (string-append %basedir "/libexec/j/jconsole")) (cpu-has-flag? (cute set-contains? (cpu-flags (current-cpu)) <>)) (libj (format #f "~a/lib/j/libj~a.so" %basedir (cond ((cpu-has-flag? "avx2") "-avx2") ((cpu-has-flag? "avx") "-avx") (else "")))) (jprofile (string-append %basedir "/etc/j/profile.ijs"))) (apply execl jconsole "ijconsole" "-lib" libj "-jprofile" jprofile (cdr (command-line))))))))))) (define* (make-j #:key version revision hash tag commit (release-type 'release) (patches '()) (extra-inputs '()) (extra-envars '()) (builder "guix.gnu.org")) (let* ((version-major version-minor (if (pair? version) (car+cdr version) (values version #f)))) (package (name (jname "jsoftware-j" release-type)) (version (jversion->string version-major version-minor revision commit)) (source (origin (method git-fetch) (uri (git-reference (url "https://github.com/jsoftware/jsource") (commit (or commit tag (jinfo->git-tag version-major release-type version-minor))))) (sha256 (base32 hash)) (file-name (git-file-name name version)) (patches patches))) (build-system gnu-build-system) (native-inputs (list clang-toolchain)) (inputs (cons* libedit libomp jsoftware-aux-files extra-inputs)) (arguments `(#:tests? #f #:modules (((ice-9 ftw) #:select (scandir)) ((ice-9 popen) #:select (open-pipe* close-pipe)) ((ice-9 regex) #:select (match:substring string-match)) ((ice-9 threads) #:select (parallel par-for-each)) ((srfi srfi-26) #:select (cut)) ((srfi srfi-1) #:select (fold)) ,@%gnu-build-system-modules) #:phases ;; Upstream's build system consists of ad-hoc scripts that build build up ;; (very complicated) environment variables to pass to make. The basic ;; build process looks like this: ;; ;; 1) Copy jsrc/jversion-x.h to jsrc/jversion.h and edit values; ;; 2) Set jplatform and j64x environment variables; ;; 3) Run make2/build_jconsole.sh and make2/build_libj.sh; ;; ;; However, upstream expects users to run J directly from the source ;; directory; they do not supply a make `install' target. Thus it takes ;; some massaging to install files in FHS-style directories. (modify-phases %standard-phases ;; In particular, we have to set up ;; ;; 1) jsrc/jversion.h as in a typical build; ;; 2) jlibrary/bin/profilex.ijs to point to writable directories; ;; 3) make2/build_*.sh to respect standard build conventions; ;; 4) jsrc/jconsole.c to fix libedit dlopen; and ;; 5) Hard coded references to addons directory. (replace 'configure (lambda* (#:key target inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys) (let* ((clang-toolchain (assoc-ref inputs "clang-toolchain")) (clang (string-append clang-toolchain "/bin/clang")) (libedit (assoc-ref inputs "libedit")) (out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))) ;; Set up build constants (copy-file "jsrc/jversion-x.h" "jsrc/jversion.h") (substitute* "jsrc/jversion.h" (("^#define jversion.*$") (format #f "#define jversion ~s\n" ,version-major)) (("^#define jtype.*$") (format #f "#define jtype ~s\n" ,(jrelease-string release-type version-minor))) (("^#define jbuilder.*$") (format #f "#define jbuilder ~s\n" ,builder))) ;; Munge the build scripts into reason: ;; 1. Short-circuit the fragile compiler detection; ;; 2. Make sure to include our CFLAGS and LFLAGS; and ;; 3. Propagate script errors to top level. (for-each (lambda (file) (with-directory-excursion "make2" (substitute* file ;; The `compiler' variable doesn't point to the actual ;; compiler. It is just a switch to tell the build ;; scripts whether to use gcc- or clang-specific flags. (("^compiler=.*$") "compiler=clang\n") (("^LDFLAGS=\"" def) (string-append def "$LDFLAGS ")) (("^(common=\")(\\$USETHREAD.*)$" _ def rest) (string-append def "$CFLAGS " rest)) (("^#!.*" shebang) (string-append shebang "set -o errexit\n"))))) '("build_jconsole.sh" "build_libj.sh")) ;; The jconsole manually loads libedit with dlopen. The path ;; must be absolute to correctly point to our input. (substitute* "jsrc/jconsole.c" (("libedit\\.so\\.[0-9]" so-file) (format #f "~a/lib/~a" libedit so-file))) ;; The ~addons/dev directory supplies tentative J-script ;; definitions of new J engine functionality. Since we point ;; ~addons under the ~user directory, we move it under ~system ;; instead, which sits as-is in the output. (with-directory-excursion "jsrc" (for-each (lambda (file) (substitute* file (("~addons/dev") "~system/dev"))) (scandir "." (lambda (f) (eq? (stat:type (stat f)) 'regular))))) ;; Implementation of 9!:14 records build time which breaks build ;; reproducibility. Note that upstream code depends on the exact ;; format of these strings, so we need to mimic the standard. (substitute* "jsrc/j.c" (("__DATE__") "\"Jan 01 1970\"") (("__TIME__") "\"00:00:00\"")) ;; Upstream recommends using clang, with GCC support being ;; second-class, often resulting in build failures. (setenv "CC" clang)))) ;; The build output depends primarily on the values of the `jplatform' ;; and `j64x' environment variables. If the target is ARM, then ;; `jplatform' is "raspberry", otherwise it is `linux'. In addition to ;; 32- and 64- bit versions, `j64x' controlls whether AVX or AVX2 ;; variants of libj are built. ;; ;; However, build targets are not fine-grained enough to distinguish ;; between CPU features. Thus we build and install all variants of ;; libj, expecting jconsole to be called with a wrapper script that ;; detects AVX features and loads the appropriate libj at runtime. (replace 'build (lambda _ (setenv "USE_OPENMP" "1") (setenv "USE_THREAD" "1") (for-each (lambda (var-val) (apply setenv var-val)) (quote ,extra-envars)) ;; The build scripts assume that PWD is make2. (with-directory-excursion "make2" (let* ((platform ,(if (target-arm?) "raspberry" "linux")) (target-bit ,(if (target-64bit?) "64" "32")) (run (lambda* (script #:key (avx "")) (invoke "env" (string-append "jplatform=" platform) (string-append "j64x=j" target-bit avx) script)))) (parallel ;; Since jconsole doesn't depend on AVX features, we just ;; build it once. (run "./build_jconsole.sh") (run "./build_libj.sh") (if ,(target-64bit?) (parallel (run "./build_libj.sh" #:avx "avx") (run "./build_libj.sh" #:avx "avx2")))))))) ;; The test suite is expected to be run as follows for each variant of ;; libj that we build: ;; ;; $ echo 'RUN ddall' | jconsole test/tsu.ijs ;; ;; This requires a working jconsole with accessible jlibrary files. We ;; simply place these all under test/bin. (replace 'check (lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys) (when tests? (let ((platform ,(if (target-arm?) "raspberry" "linux"))) (mkdir-p "test/bin") (for-each (lambda (dir) (let ((source (string-append "jlibrary/" dir)) (dest (string-append "test/bin/" dir))) (begin (mkdir-p dest) (copy-recursively source dest)))) '("system" "tools" "addons")) ;; The jlibrary/dev directory only sometimes exists, but needs ;; to be copied into the ~system directory when it does. (for-each (lambda (dev-dir) (if (file-exists? dev-dir) (copy-recursively dev-dir "test/bin/system/dev"))) '("jlibrary/dev" "jlibrary/addons/dev")) (par-for-each (lambda (dir) (let* ((bin (string-append "bin/" platform)) (jbit ,(if (target-64bit?) "j64" "j32")) (jconsole (string-append bin "/" jbit "/jconsole")) (source (string-append bin "/" dir)) (dest (string-append "test/bin/" dir))) (begin (mkdir-p dest) (copy-recursively source dest) (install-file "jlibrary/bin/profile.ijs" dest) (install-file jconsole dest) (let* ((jconsole (string-append dest "/jconsole")) (tests "test/tsu.ijs") (port (open-pipe* OPEN_WRITE jconsole tests))) (display "RUN ddall\n" port) (when (not (zero? (status:exit-val (close-pipe port)))) (error "Some J build tests failed.")))))) (scandir (string-append "bin/" platform) (negate (cut member <> '("." ".."))))) #t)))) ;; Now that everything is built, installation is fairly ;; straightforward, following FHS conventions. The only quirk is that ;; we install jconsole under /libexec to make room for the wrapper ;; replacement under /bin. (replace 'install (lambda* (#:key outputs inputs #:allow-other-keys) (let* ((platform ,(if (target-arm?) "raspberry" "linux")) (jbit ,(if (target-64bit?) "j64" "j32")) (out (assoc-ref outputs "out")) (bin (string-append out "/bin")) (etc (string-append out "/etc/j")) (lib (string-append out "/lib/j")) (libexec (string-append out "/libexec/j")) (share (string-append out "/share/j")) (system (string-append share "/system")) (dev (string-append system "/dev"))) (mkdir-p bin) (copy-file (search-input-file inputs "ijconsole") (string-append bin "/ijconsole-" ,version-major)) (mkdir-p lib) (for-each (lambda (jarch) (let* ((jbin (string-join `("bin" ,platform ,jarch) "/")) (javx-match (string-match "avx.*" jarch)) (javx (if (not javx-match) "" (match:substring javx-match))) (sep (if javx-match "-" "")) (source (string-append jbin "/libj.so")) (dest (format #f "~a/libj~a~a.so" lib sep javx))) (copy-file source dest))) (scandir (string-append "bin/" platform) (negate (cut member <> '("." ".."))))) (install-file (string-append "bin/" platform "/" jbit "/jconsole") libexec) (copy-recursively "jlibrary/system" system) (for-each (lambda (source-dev) (if (access? source-dev R_OK) (copy-recursively source-dev dev))) '("jlibrary/dev" "jlibrary/addons/dev")) (install-file "jlibrary/bin/profile.ijs" etc) (install-file (search-input-file inputs "profilex.ijs") etc))))))) (home-page "https://www.jsoftware.com/") (synopsis "Ascii-only, array programming language in the APL family") (description "J is a high-level, general-purpose programming language that is particularly suited to the mathematical, statistical, and logical analysis of data. It is a powerful tool for developing algorithms and exploring problems that are not already well understood.") (license license:gpl3+)))) (define-public jsoftware-j-901 (make-j #:version '("901" . "f") #:hash "1776021m0j1aanzwg60by83n53pw7i6afd5wplfzczwk8bywax4p" #:patches (search-patches "jsoftware-j901-f-fixes.patch"))) (define j-build-configuration-with-sleef `(#:extra-inputs (,sleef) #:extra-envars (("USE_SLEEF_SRC" "0") ("LDFLAGS" "-lsleef")))) (define-public jsoftware-j-902 (apply make-j (append j-build-configuration-with-sleef `(#:version ,'("902" . "b") #:hash "0j67vgikqflwjqacsdicasvyv1k54s2c8vjgwmf0ix7l41p4xqz0")))) (define-public jsoftware-j-903 (apply make-j (append j-build-configuration-with-sleef `(#:version ,'("903" . "a") #:tag "903-release-a" #:hash "1fcfl7q7c2vj4fmnqqc8c6hwgsjm20ff93v8xxfniasss1b2fmc4")))) (define-public (jsoftware-ijconsole-symlink jpkg) "Provide bin/ijconsole symlink that points to pkg's bin/ijconsole-" (package (name "jsoftware-ijconsole") (version (package-version jpkg)) (source #f) (build-system trivial-build-system) (propagated-inputs `(("jpkg" ,jpkg))) (arguments `(#:modules ((guix build utils) (srfi srfi-26)) #:builder (begin (use-modules ((guix build utils) #:select (mkdir-p)) ((ice-9 regex) #:select (string-match)) ((ice-9 ftw) #:select (scandir)) ((srfi srfi-26) #:select (cut))) (let* ((out (assoc-ref %outputs "out")) (jpkg (assoc-ref %build-inputs "jpkg")) (ijconsole (car (scandir (string-append jpkg "/bin") (cut string-match "ijconsole-.*" <>)))) (source (string-append jpkg "/bin/" ijconsole)) (dest (string-append out "/bin/ijconsole"))) (mkdir-p (dirname dest)) (symlink source dest))))) (home-page (package-home-page jpkg)) (synopsis "Provide `ijconsole' symlink to default interpreter version") (description "The interpreter provided by the J package has a filename like ijconsole-, which provides support for having multiple, concurrent versions installed. This package provides a version-agnostic `ijconsole' symlink to interpreter version indicated and build time.") (license license:gpl3+)))