;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU ;;; Copyright © 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Ludovic Courtès ;;; Copyright © 2012, 2013 Nikita Karetnikov ;;; ;;; This file is part of GNU Guix. ;;; ;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at ;;; your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with GNU Guix. If not, see . (define-module (guix gnu-maintenance) #:use-module (web uri) #:use-module (web client) #:use-module (web response) #:use-module (ice-9 regex) #:use-module (ice-9 rdelim) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (srfi srfi-11) #:use-module (srfi srfi-26) #:use-module (system foreign) #:use-module (guix ftp-client) #:use-module (guix utils) #:use-module (guix packages) #:export (gnu-package-name gnu-package-mundane-name gnu-package-copyright-holder gnu-package-savannah gnu-package-fsd gnu-package-language gnu-package-logo gnu-package-doc-category gnu-package-doc-summary gnu-package-doc-urls gnu-package-download-url official-gnu-packages find-packages gnu-package? releases latest-release gnu-package-name->name+version)) ;;; Commentary: ;;; ;;; Code for dealing with the maintenance of GNU packages, such as ;;; auto-updates. ;;; ;;; Code: ;;; ;;; List of GNU packages. ;;; (define (http-fetch uri) "Return an input port containing the textual data at URI, a string." (let*-values (((resp data) (http-get (string->uri uri))) ((code) (response-code resp))) (case code ((200) (cond ((string<=? (version) "2.0.5") (begin ;; XXX: Guile 2.0.5 and earlier did not support chunked transfer ;; encoding, which is required when fetching %PACKAGE-LIST-URL ;; (see ). ;; Since users may still be using these versions, warn them and ;; bail out. (format (current-error-port) "warning: using Guile ~a, ~a ~s encoding~%" (version) "which does not support HTTP" (response-transfer-encoding resp)) (error "download failed; use a newer Guile" uri resp))) ((string<=? (version) "2.0.7") (open-input-string data)) (else data))) (else (error "download failed" uri code (response-reason-phrase resp)))))) (define %package-list-url (string-append "http://cvs.savannah.gnu.org/" "viewvc/*checkout*/gnumaint/" "gnupackages.txt?root=womb")) (define-record-type* gnu-package-descriptor make-gnu-package-descriptor gnu-package-descriptor? (name gnu-package-name) (mundane-name gnu-package-mundane-name) (copyright-holder gnu-package-copyright-holder) (savannah gnu-package-savannah) (fsd gnu-package-fsd) (language gnu-package-language) (logo gnu-package-logo) (doc-category gnu-package-doc-category) (doc-summary gnu-package-doc-summary) (doc-urls gnu-package-doc-urls) (download-url gnu-package-download-url)) (define (official-gnu-packages) "Return a list of records, which are GNU packages." (define (group-package-fields port state) ;; Return a list of alists. Each alist contains fields of a GNU ;; package. (let ((line (read-line port)) (field-rx (make-regexp "^([[:graph:]]+): (.*)$")) (doc-urls-rx (make-regexp "^doc-url: (.*)$")) (end-rx (make-regexp "^# End. .+Do not remove this line.+"))) (define (match-field str) ;; Packages are separated by empty strings. If STR is an ;; empty string, create a new list to store fields of a ;; different package. Otherwise, match and create a key-value ;; pair. (match str ("" (group-package-fields port (cons '() state))) (str (cond ((regexp-exec doc-urls-rx str) => (lambda (match) (if (equal? (assoc-ref (first state) "doc-urls") #f) (group-package-fields port (cons (cons (cons "doc-urls" (list (match:substring match 1))) (first state)) (drop state 1))) (group-package-fields port (cons (cons (cons "doc-urls" (cons (match:substring match 1) (assoc-ref (first state) "doc-urls"))) (assoc-remove! (first state) "doc-urls")) (drop state 1)))))) ((regexp-exec field-rx str) => (lambda (match) (group-package-fields port (cons (cons (cons (match:substring match 1) (match:substring match 2)) (first state)) (drop state 1))))) (else (group-package-fields port state)))))) (if (or (eof-object? line) (regexp-exec end-rx line)) ; don't include dummy fields (remove null-list? state) (match-field line)))) (define (alist->record alist make keys) ;; Apply MAKE, which should be a syntactic constructor, to the ;; values associated with KEYS in ALIST. (let ((args (map (cut assoc-ref alist <>) keys))) (apply make args))) (reverse (map (lambda (alist) (alist->record alist make-gnu-package-descriptor (list "package" "mundane-name" "copyright-holder" "savannah" "fsd" "language" "logo" "doc-category" "doc-summary" "doc-urls" "download-url"))) (group-package-fields (http-fetch %package-list-url) '(()))))) (define (find-packages regexp) "Find GNU packages which satisfy REGEXP." (let ((name-rx (make-regexp regexp))) (filter (lambda (package) (and=> (false-if-exception (regexp-exec name-rx (gnu-package-name package))) (const package))) (official-gnu-packages)))) (define gnu-package? (memoize (lambda (package) "Return true if PACKAGE is a GNU package. This procedure may access the network to check in GNU's database." ;; TODO: Find a way to determine that a package is non-GNU without going ;; through the network. (let ((url (and=> (package-source package) origin-uri)) (name (package-name package))) (or (and (string? url) (string-prefix? "mirror://gnu" url)) (not (null-list? (find-packages (format #f "^~a$" name))))))))) ;;; ;;; Latest release. ;;; (define (ftp-server/directory project) "Return the FTP server and directory where PROJECT's tarball are stored." (define quirks '(("commoncpp2" "ftp.gnu.org" "/gnu/commoncpp") ("ucommon" "ftp.gnu.org" "/gnu/commoncpp") ("libzrtpcpp" "ftp.gnu.org" "/gnu/ccrtp") ("libosip2" "ftp.gnu.org" "/gnu/osip") ("libgcrypt" "ftp.gnupg.org" "/gcrypt/libgcrypt") ("libgpg-error" "ftp.gnupg.org" "/gcrypt/libgpg-error") ("libassuan" "ftp.gnupg.org" "/gcrypt/libassuan") ("gnupg" "ftp.gnupg.org" "/gcrypt/gnupg") ("freefont-ttf" "ftp.gnu.org" "/gnu/freefont") ("gnu-ghostscript" "ftp.gnu.org" "/gnu/ghostscript") ("mit-scheme" "ftp.gnu.org" "/gnu/mit-scheme/stable.pkg") ("icecat" "ftp.gnu.org" "/gnu/gnuzilla") ("source-highlight" "ftp.gnu.org" "/gnu/src-highlite") ("TeXmacs" "ftp.texmacs.org" "/TeXmacs/targz"))) (match (assoc project quirks) ((_ server directory) (values server directory)) (_ (values "ftp.gnu.org" (string-append "/gnu/" project))))) (define (releases project) "Return the list of releases of PROJECT as a list of release name/directory pairs. Example: (\"mit-scheme-9.0.1\" . \"/gnu/mit-scheme/stable.pkg/9.0.1\"). " ;; TODO: Parse something like fencepost.gnu.org:/gd/gnuorg/packages-ftp. (define release-rx (make-regexp (string-append "^" project "-([0-9]|[^-])*(-src)?\\.tar\\."))) (define alpha-rx (make-regexp "^.*-.*[0-9](-|~)?(alpha|beta|rc|cvs|svn|git)-?[0-9\\.]*\\.tar\\.")) (define (sans-extension tarball) (let ((end (string-contains tarball ".tar"))) (substring tarball 0 end))) (define (release-file file) ;; Return #f if FILE is not a release tarball, otherwise return ;; PACKAGE-VERSION. (and (not (string-suffix? ".sig" file)) (regexp-exec release-rx file) (not (regexp-exec alpha-rx file)) (let ((s (sans-extension file))) (and (regexp-exec %package-name-rx s) s)))) (let-values (((server directory) (ftp-server/directory project))) (define conn (ftp-open server)) (let loop ((directories (list directory)) (result '())) (match directories (() (ftp-close conn) result) ((directory rest ...) (let* ((files (ftp-list conn directory)) (subdirs (filter-map (match-lambda ((name 'directory . _) name) (_ #f)) files))) (loop (append (map (cut string-append directory "/" <>) subdirs) rest) (append ;; Filter out signatures, deltas, and files which ;; are potentially not releases of PROJECT--e.g., ;; in /gnu/guile, filter out guile-oops and ;; guile-www; in mit-scheme, filter out binaries. (filter-map (match-lambda ((file 'file . _) (and=> (release-file file) (cut cons <> directory))) (_ #f)) files) result)))))))) (define (latest-release project) "Return (\"FOO-X.Y\" . \"/bar/foo\") or #f." (let ((releases (releases project))) (and (not (null? releases)) (fold (lambda (release latest) (if (version>? (car release) (car latest)) release latest)) '("" . "") releases)))) (define %package-name-rx ;; Regexp for a package name, e.g., "foo-X.Y". Since TeXmacs uses ;; "TeXmacs-X.Y-src", the `-src' suffix is allowed. (make-regexp "^(.*)-(([0-9]|\\.)+)(-src)?")) (define (gnu-package-name->name+version name+version) "Return the package name and version number extracted from NAME+VERSION." (let ((match (regexp-exec %package-name-rx name+version))) (if (not match) (values name+version #f) (values (match:substring match 1) (match:substring match 2))))) ;;; gnu-maintenance.scm ends here