On Sun, 2021-02-07 at 15:18 +0000, raid5atemyhomework via Guix-patches via wrote: > I am fairly unmotivated to continue working on ZFS-on-Guix, but > anyway. > Fairly unmotivated to do more testing since there is no real > interest in getting my patches merged. Posting here just in case > somebody actually gets interested. I am interested by ZFS on GNU Guix but I am not sure I understand Scheme enough to review your patches. Also, it makes it a bit confusing that your patches are submitted as several separate bugs. I think it would make it easier to review if they were all summed into a single "ZFS on GNU Guix System" bug. Otherwise I think it will take a bit of patience, I'm sure you've seen the amount of pending patches, we're near a thousand by now. Lots of things to review, limited time. All in all, just remember that I am very enthusiastic about ZFS on GNU Guix! I'm sure lots of people are.