On 18/11/2024 11:35, Ignas Lapėnas wrote: > https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Bluetooth#bluetoothctl:_No_default_controller_available > Since you're with guix, journalctl command should be replaced with > something like this. > sudo cat /var/log/messages | grep hci > to check if you're blocked by rfkill the command should simply be rfkill Well, the good news is that /var/log/messages contains an error message that the ALW page you cite suggests a solution for. The bad news is that the solution is "remove all power sources to force the device to reload the firmware". This box is a laptop, and it doesn't look like disconnecting the battery is going to be any straightforward operation. Unless: the Bluetooth controller I'm trying to use is a USB dongle, can I achieve the same effect by just pulling it out of the USB port?