Hi Tomás, On Sat, 28 Nov 2020 09:53:20 +0100 Tomás Ortín Fernández via Guix-patches via wrote: > I have realized this patch isn't correct. I hadn't tested it on a > clean environment before. Solargraph requires Rubocop 0.52 (!). In > fact, the current version of Solargraph doesn't currently work, > either: there are version issues with Rubocop and with ruby-thor. Can you explain what you mean by that? What problems do you see? When I look at the Gem's page at https://rubygems.org/gems/solargraph/versions/0.40.0 I see that Solargraph needs rubocop >= 0.52 (NOT specific to 0.52). For thor, it needs ~>1.0. As we have 1.0.1, that should be fine. I tried to build the 0.40.0 version of Solargraph (had to add the kramdown-parser-gfm and kramdown-parser dependencies) and at least I was able to start it with the command: solargraph socket I'm not using an editor/IDE that makes use of Solargraph, so I don't see any problems here. Do you see more? @Leo: I'm fine with your updated patches, except with this question and that there are newer versions of ruby-benchmark and ruby-solargraph. Thanks, Björn