The latest guix system reconfigure (of yesterday) left me unable to login into my X session. guix system rollback DID NOT fix it. I would enter my password and it would "try" to login and return right back to the gdm login screen. I've since removed gdm from my OS configuration (because I have to do actual *work* on this computer), but I think it would have been enough to just chown /var/lib/gdm and rm ~/.xsession-errors (!) in order to make it work again. Does that mean that user ids are non-reproducible? Why not have user_id = hash(user_name) ? Then they *are* reproducible. (I've tried finding the spot where those user accounts are generated/updated but so far have been unable to) Anyway, this is just to record the problem and workaround. I won't do further research on this problem on it on this computer. The "gdm" system account is gone by now because I've removed gdm from the OS configuration--and I don't plan on adding it ever again. For reference, in order to remove gdm from the system configuration in /etc/config.scm, do: (1) Replace %desktop-services by (remove (lambda (service) (eq? (service-kind service) gdm-service-type)) %desktop-services) (2) Add (service slim-service-type) to SERVICES in /etc/config.scm (3) guix system reconfigure /etc/config.scm