Trying to install Guix System onto an SSD using an UltraBay dock. Config is the attached file (with slight variations in the obvious places) `readlink /dev/disk/by-uuid/643a215d-a30e-473b-826e-5c35de29e38f` gives me /dev/sdb1 Yet using (uuid "643a215d-a30e-473b-826e-5c35de29e38f") results in: ``` sudo -E guix system init --no-bootloader Configs/Guix/desktop-parametric.scm /mnt :( /home/raingloom/Configs/Guix/desktop-parametric.scm:50:26: error: file system with UUID '643a215d-a30e-473b-826e-5c35de29e38f' not found ``` Switching the UUID to uppercase as in the example (thankfully) doesn't change anything, not even the error message. I tried using a label, same result. I ended up using the /dev/disk/by-uuid and /dev/disk/by-id paths for the root file system and the bootloader respectively, and that resulted in a succesful system init, but upon trying to boot the SSD with the other machine, I got thrown into a rescue shell, because it couldn't find the root using that path. **(Quick aside: there really should be a guide for using that rescue shell. I can get around in a /bin/sh one, but this is nearly unusable. At least autocompletion should be supported.)** I tried modifying the --root kernel parameter from Grub, so that it would point to /dev/sda1 directly (which is the device's name on the other machine), but I was thrown into the rescue shell again, with the same backtrace (with the old path replaced with /dev/sda1 of course). Sooo, I have no idea what to do. Any tips on debugging this? Or on reconfiguring a Guix System install that is on an external file system? On Arch I'd just arch-chroot into it and fix it from there, but I don't know of anything similar for Guix.