On Sat, 1 Dec 2018 11:10:54 -0800 John Soo wrote: > Hi guix! > > Thanks and please bear with my first ever mailing list post. I was > trying to package coin3d > (https://bitbucket.org/Coin3D/coin/wiki/Home) as it is now under a > bsd3 license. The hash of the repo always changes. I think this is > due to the .hg files not being recursively deleted for the > subrepositories (https://www.mercurial-scm.org/wiki/Subrepository). > Does anyone have any insights? > Hi John, I'm also packaging coin3d :-) And I stumbled upon that problem too. Ludovic explained me on IRC: The problem is the metadata directory ".hg": It contains metadata that is not fixed. For normal hg-repositories, it will be stripped away, but not recursively for those with sub-repos. I have a patch that works. I just wasn't sure if it goes to master or to staging, as it could affect the java-packages as well. I'm attaching what I have here, will prepare an official patch tonight or tomorrow. Björn PS: With coin3d, I want to add freecad. If that is your intention too, we should share resources.