Hi, On Tue, Oct 30, 2018 at 10:55:50PM +0530, Nalin Ranjan wrote: >  Hi Guys, > Can you guys please help me with a bit of understanding? > > I have a ThinkPad T410 on which I am trying to do this. Currently I have a > dual boot configuration running Ubuntu and Windows 7. Could that grub > install failure because of my /boot not being empty and formatted afresh > for GuixSD? If so, can anyone of you please help me in figuring out how to > install GuixSD alongside those existing ones(other distros plus special > Mr. Windows)? Do I need to reformat my /boot to make it fresh so that Grub > install from GuixSD installation could succeed(not sure if this is the > reason for failure).  if a reformatting is imminent, what will you suggest > to do on case I just need to recover my old stuff? I can share my solution. I am running dual boot with openSUSE and GuixSD. GRUB is managed by openSUSE and it sourcing GuixSD configuration from /boot on GuixSD partition. That brings Guix menu entries to the GRUB. In my system configuration I have this hack I found somewhere: (bootloader (bootloader-configuration (bootloader (bootloader (inherit grub-bootloader) (installer #~(const #t)))))) so it doesn't install bootloader at all. My usecase is a bit special because I am using LUKS and unlock it on bootloader level. If you want your bootloader to be managed by GuixSD, just follow corresponding part of Guix manual: https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/manual/en/html_node/Bootloader-Configuration.html Best regards, S_W