On Mon, 16 Apr 2018 11:18:21 +0200 Julien Lepiller wrote: > Hi, here are two patches to add postgis and its dependency gdal. Hi Julien, I did a concise review of GDAL now. Besides of my above remarks, I have the following small notes: (license (list ; general license --> I think full-line comments should start with ";;" double semi-colons. ("libjpeg" ,libjpeg) --> Can you use libjpeg-turbo? The list of dependencies/supported algorithms could of cause be extended, but as a first start, this is OK. I could successfully use in a guix container ogr2ogr with a shapefile, transforming coordinates from EPSG:31468 to EPSG:4326. Furthermore, I could gdal_translate a tif+tfw into a jpeg*world-file. Thanks, Björn